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發(fā)布時間:2018-03-20 13:45

  本文選題:XBRL 切入點:盈余質(zhì)量 出處:《華北電力大學(xué)(北京)》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:In the capital market environment, the public disclosure of financial report information by listed companies is an important basis for investors to make decisions. Increasing the information content of enterprises' financial reports is conducive to improving the earnings quality of enterprises. However, the traditional financial report is mostly static, so it is less flexible, and it is very difficult to use the data directly for secondary processing, and the error rate is high, which makes the general problem. The XBRL financial reporting technology put forward by the United States in the 20th century has effectively made up for the shortcomings of the traditional financial reporting system, such as long financial reporting cycle, poor flexibility and so on, and made the financial report information more timely. The application of XBRL technology to Chinese capital markets has been increasing in recent years. The financial statements of XBRL technology can lead to positive changes in stock prices, thus affecting the quality of earnings. This paper mainly studies whether the application of XBRL technology in Chinese enterprises has an impact on the earnings quality of enterprises. This paper selects 220 listed companies in Shanghai Stock Exchange of China to disclose the report of XBRL, and applies the method of event research. Firstly, the cumulative excess return rate in the window period is calculated, and then the nonparametric Wilcoxon symbol rank pair is used to test whether there is significant difference in the cumulative excess return rate before and after the event. Finally, we use regression analysis to test the effect of XBRL financial report disclosure on earnings quality. Through empirical research, we get some conclusions: Shanghai Stock Exchange sample before and after XBRL financial report disclosure, There are significant differences in cumulative abnormal returns, which are higher after disclosure than before, in addition, whether based on annual cross-sectional regression results or panel data regression results based on the overall sample, The results show that the disclosure of XBRL financial reports can significantly improve the earnings quality of enterprises, indicating that the disclosure of XBRL financial reports increases the content of information in the financial statements. This conclusion is consistent among enterprises in different industries (manufacturing and service industries) and enterprises with different equity nature (state-owned enterprises and non-state-owned enterprises). However, the positive effect of XBRL technology on the earnings quality of manufacturing enterprises is slightly higher than that of service enterprises, while the positive effect on the earnings quality of non-state-owned enterprises is slightly higher than that of state-owned enterprises.


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