

發(fā)布時間:2018-03-20 03:27

  本文選題:第三方支付 切入點:風險 出處:《安徽大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of Internet science and technology, the influence of network technology on the economy has become more and more great. Internet finance, a new industry, has emerged as the times require. The consumption patterns of residents have undergone tremendous changes. Relying on the convenient and efficient online payment provided by third-party payment organizations, the traditional physical store consumption is gradually over to network consumption. Third party payment is an important part of Internet finance, and it is a new industry. It uses evolving technologies such as the Internet and mobile communications to connect financial institutions, businesses and consumers by means of communication media such as computers and smart mobile phones. And realize the financial transactions between the three. Specifically, on the one hand, it is to cooperate with major commercial banks and other financial institutions as well as with different types of merchants. It also connects the interface of the bank payment and settlement system. On the other hand, it sets up payment tools such as network accounts to provide clients with funds to transfer by opening virtual network accounts. In order to seize the market in a short time and increase the number of users, some third-party payment organizations ignore the importance of real-name authentication registration accounts. Users can also register accounts under the condition of anonymity, which magnifies the risks in online transactions. In addition, the risk of subject qualification, default risk, deposit capital risk and so on are also worthy of attention. In the context of online trading, The main body of this paper is the third party payment industry, the author will make a brief summary and analysis of the third party payment industry, which mainly involves the concept, function, and function of the third party payment industry. Characteristics and other contents, as well as the analysis of the current situation of the third party payment industry. At present, the third party payment industry continues to develop, the market scale continues to expand, and in the third party payment industry, Alipay and Tenpay occupy a dominant position. Then the author will make a detailed analysis of the risks existing in third-party payments, including the risks of policies and regulations, financial risks, default risks, etc. And on the basis of analyzing these risks, Combined with the risk events in reality to further explain the existence and harmfulness of these risks. Finally, in view of the current situation and problems of the third party payment industry, Then put forward reasonable and feasible suggestions on supervision.


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