

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-03-20 01:23

  本文選題:商業(yè)銀行 切入點(diǎn):順周期性 出處:《南昌大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:Before the outbreak of the international financial crisis in 2008, the good operating situation of the global economy, which appeared to be in an upward range, was actually a crisis surges, a serious excess of liquidity in the financial system, and an ever-expanding scale of bank credit. Excessive and disorderly use of financial derivatives eventually led to the outbreak and rapid spread of the financial crisis. After this financial crisis, In this paper, the problems of the procyclicality of the financial system and the weakness of financial supervision are extensively discussed in the world. The Basel Accord III and the Capital Management measures of Commercial Banks issued by the Banking Regulatory Commission of China both put forward the need to alleviate the procyclicality. And strengthening countercyclical regulation. In the new context of regulatory reform, It is of practical significance to study the pro-cyclical and counter-cyclical supervision strategies of the capital adequacy ratio of commercial banks in China. Based on the exposition of the theory of pro-cyclicality, this paper analyzes the causes and effects of the procyclicality of the capital adequacy ratio. This paper introduces the present situation of the capital adequacy ratio of commercial banks in China and uses the panel data of 12 commercial banks from 2005 to 2014 to analyze the procyclicality of the capital adequacy ratio of commercial banks in China by using the fixed effect regression method. There is a reverse fluctuation relationship between the capital adequacy ratio and the economic growth rate of commercial banks in China, and the capital adequacy ratio will decrease with the increase of the economic growth rate. This article also introduces the practice of countercyclical regulation of capital adequacy ratio in Spain and Britain. Finally, it suggests that relevant regulators should start from countercyclical regulatory strategies such as mitigating minimum capital. Requiring pro-cyclical fluctuations, Establishing capital buffers, making dynamic provisions, and regulating leverage are pro-cyclical problems.


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