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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-03-19 13:48

  本文選題:供應(yīng)鏈金融 切入點(diǎn):金融生態(tài) 出處:《河北工程大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:Supply chain finance is a new model, which regards the core enterprises and the upstream and downstream SMEs as a whole, and the commercial banks provide financial services to the whole supply chain. The problem of expensive financing also provides banks with more long-term cooperative enterprises and promotes the innovation of banks' operation mode. However, there are still some shortcomings, such as the information asymmetry between enterprises and banks. With the continuous innovation and development of the supply chain financial model in China, there are some problems such as insufficient innovation and high operational risk. More and more experts and scholars view the development and risk control of supply chain from the perspective of financial ecology. This paper mainly expounds the definition and background of supply chain finance, natural ecosystem theory and financial ecosystem theory. From this, the theory of supply chain finance ecology is derived, and the composition of supply chain financial ecosystem is summarized, which is divided into three parts: ecological subject, ecological environment and supply chain finance integrated service platform. The supply chain financial ecological model is designed, and the supply chain financial ecological model is vividly displayed in the form of financial tree. The financial tree vividly expresses the financial ecological environment, big data platform, The financial ecology participates in the main body to depend on each other mutually, the indispensable relation, also has manifested the financial ecology to cross the region, the cross-industry characteristic, carries on the contrast with the traditional pattern, finds its adhesion is higher, The VaR model is used to analyze the operational risk, according to the supply chain financial ecological model, the loss is classified into these six categories, and the loss database is established. The results accord with the generalized Pareto distribution. After that, the loss distribution of financial operation risk in supply chain is obtained, and the VaR value is obtained by using Matlab software. The final result shows that commercial banks providing financial services to upstream and downstream enterprises alone will have to prepare a large amount of capital. The VaR value of factoring company and financial leasing company is much smaller. This paper uses historical data to prove that banks and factoring companies and financial leasing companies strengthen cooperation to reduce operational risks. This also proves that the design of supply chain financial ecological model is scientific. Through analysis, we can know that financial ecological environment and big data platform can further effectively reduce the operational risk. Therefore, the supply chain financial ecological model is superior to the traditional supply chain financial model.


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