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  本文選題:西美爾 切入點:貨幣哲學(xué) 出處:《吉林大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:Georg Simmel was a philosopher who made great contributions to the field of monetary philosophy after Marx. He analyzed the profound changes in modern social life from the point of view of the unique social existence of money. Reflecting on the influence of monetary economy on the existence value and life style of human beings, Simmel, unlike Marx's criticism of modernity based on economic structure, finally confirms the individual's inner spiritual experience as the foothold to explore modernity. The interpretation of Simmel's monetary philosophy will reveal the contemporary echo of Marx's monetary philosophy from one side, thus promoting people's understanding of modernity at the same time, To deepen the understanding of the contemporary value meaning of Marx's philosophy. This paper takes Simmel's "philosophy of money" as the main text basis, The first part mainly studies Simmel's view of the essence of money. This is the basis and guide of Simmel's whole monetary philosophy. Simmel's analysis of the nature of money consists of two modules. First, he first discovered the premise that money can exist and gain meaning. In Simmel's view, The reason why society is able to produce is the exchange behavior of human beings. As a special social being, the meaning and status of money are also derived from exchange. Second, Simmel analyzes the essence of money in modern society from the external and internal directions. The so-called external direction means that money has become an abstract value symbol in the field of objective practice. The so-called internal direction means that money has become the ultimate aim of people's pursuit on the psychological level. The second part examines the influence of money on the intrinsic value of man, which is revealed by Simmel, including two aspects: first, Simmel thinks, The monetary economy has expanded human freedom, liberating people from fixed forms of labor, physical possession and fixed networks of relationships, which means the expansion of human freedom. Money brings freedom without giving a new direction to life. It deprives life of its fixed content and meaning, but it does not fill in new things, so this freedom is negative. Second, Simmel points out, The monetary economy devalues the value of people and things. The monetary economy, with its non-characteristic, objectivity and universal validity, becomes the yardstick of all values, and the value of things and people is all expressed as monetary value, but in fact, The third part discusses Simmel's analysis of modern people's life style under the influence of monetary economy, which is the foothold of Simmel's monetary philosophy. The monetary economy has an impact on the life style of human beings from three aspects. One is the rational characteristics of modern life caused by the monetary economy, that is, the metrology of the monetary economy has brought the rational supremacy thought to the modern people. The influence of emotion on human life is becoming smaller and smaller. The second is the modern "cultural tragedy" caused by the monetary economy, that is, the division between subjective and objective cultures. In Simmel's view, The main reason for the split between subjective culture and objective culture is the development of division of labor and specialization of production in modern society. Reserve, etc


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