

發(fā)布時間:2018-02-20 16:09

  本文關(guān)鍵詞: 貨幣政策組合 預期違約率 企業(yè)風險承擔 出處:《財貿(mào)研究》2017年04期  論文類型:期刊論文

[Abstract]:Based on the one-year benchmark interest rate and reserve ratio quarterly data from 2005 to 2016, the monetary policy combination is constructed based on entropy weight method. The expected default rate of 773 A-share listed companies is calculated by using KMV model, and it is used as a proxy index for enterprise risk taking. The paper studies the existence and asymmetry of the monetary policy portfolio to the enterprise risk conduction effect. The result shows that the monetary policy combination has the conduction effect to the enterprise risk bearing, the looser the monetary policy portfolio, the higher the enterprise risk bearing level; The risk conduction effect of monetary policy portfolio is greater than that of single monetary policy, the risk conduction effect of one-year loan benchmark interest rate is greater than that of deposit reserve ratio, and the high financial leverage enterprise is more sensitive to the risk transmission of monetary policy portfolio. Small companies are more sensitive to risk transmission in monetary policy portfolios.
【作者單位】: 福州大學;福建農(nóng)林大學;
【基金】:國家自然科學基金項目“基于微觀視角的貨幣政策組合非對稱傳導效應研究”(71473039) 福建農(nóng)林大學杰出青年科研人才計劃項目(xjq201516) 國際科技合作與交流項目(KXb16004A)的資助


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2 李薇;;“面面俱到”還是“針對性幫扶”?——扶持中小企業(yè)政策的策略性組合[J];長春市委黨校學報;2012年01期

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1 記者 劉艷;政策組合拳助廈企發(fā)展[N];廈門日報;2008年

2 記者 邱和軍;政策組合拳 助力“一園二轉(zhuǎn)”[N];泉州晚報;2012年

3 本報記者 王進 李超;四川打政策組合拳紓緩中小企業(yè)融資難[N];中國改革報;2014年

4 本報記者 姜晨怡;政策組合拳 破解小微企業(yè)資金難題[N];科技日報;2014年

5 上海東方早報首席評論員,本報特約評論員 魯寧;政策組合拳:扶持民資盤活國資[N];四川日報;2012年

6 子楓;政策組合拳助困難企業(yè)渡難關(guān)[N];中國勞動保障報;2008年





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