

發(fā)布時間:2018-11-20 08:39
[Abstract]:With the aggravation of the global economic instability, the trade competition has entered the white-hot stage, which has brought many uncertain factors to the economic development of our country. In addition, after more than 30 years of high-consumption development, our country has overdrawn the potential to continue to develop at a high speed. Under this background, our country must push forward a new round of reform, look for new economic growth point, ensure the smooth transition of our country to the "new normal" of economic development. And the establishment of the China (Shanghai) free trade experimental zone is based on the "experimental field" of innovation set up to plan the whole country and lead the reform, and to explore and play an exemplary role in the transformation of government functions and the innovation of management patterns. In order to form replicable and popularized experience, promote the common development of all regions of the country. According to the relevant spirit of the State Council on the Shanghai Free Trade Zone, while promoting the development of economy, trade, finance and other fields, it is necessary to speed up the transformation of government functions and clarify the relationship between the government and the market. From this perspective, this paper takes the first anniversary of the establishment of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone as the time node, takes the policy system analysis framework as the analysis tool, and takes the enterprise investment policy before the establishment of the free trade zone as the subsystem to input the impact on the environment. By analyzing the relevant policies issued after the establishment of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone, it can be concluded that these policies are the improvement of the problems left over from the former policy, but there are still some problems. Again, using the policy system analysis framework, the United States and its ports, which are similar to our country's fundamental aspects (including vast territory, large economic volume, large scale of import and export trade, etc.), The airport is the foothold for the development of the free trade zone of the UAE, and the advantages of the two countries in the management and operation of the free trade zone are summarized. Take Hamburg, Germany, as an example. The reason for its sudden cancellation from one of the four largest free trade zones in the world to 2013 is that the policy advantage of the zone no longer exists. And has never set up a special port authority to the free trade area unified management. Finally, from five angles, the author puts forward the management system of FTAs, consummates the legal system of FTAs, optimizes the negative list of FTAs; To improve the management ability of the government and pay attention to the multi-dimensional development of the free trade area, finally realize the important mission of the transformation of the government function and the innovation of the management mode of the Shanghai Free Trade area.


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