

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-20 04:18
[Abstract]:This paper mainly analyzes and combs the path of the development and construction of Internet finance of Ryan Capital Group. The aim is to help Ryan Capital Group to construct the development model of Internet finance construction and to guide Ryan Capital Group to further promote the construction of Internet finance. Find a reasonable and feasible direction of development to avoid risk. At present, many small and micro financial institutions in the domestic market have certain commonalities with Ryan Capital Group. This paper can provide a reference model for the construction of Internet finance of the same type of small and micro financial institutions. This paper is a study on the model construction of Ryan Capital Group's Internet finance construction, which is divided into six chapters. The first chapter introduces the background, purpose and current situation of internet finance research. The second chapter introduces the basic concept and operation mode of Internet finance. The third chapter briefly introduces the current situation of Internet financial construction of Ryan Capital Group and puts forward the conception of Internet Finance Construction of Ryan Capital Group. The construction of Internet Finance of Ryan Capital Group needs to be realized through information construction and e-commerce platform construction. Chapter four constructs the information construction model of Ryan Capital Group. The fifth chapter analyzes the construction path of RyanCapital Group's e-commerce platform, and constructs the model of RyanCapital Group P2P network loan platform. The sixth chapter summarizes the significance and model of Ryan Capital Group's informatization construction and e-commerce platform construction, and puts forward some suggestions to improve the Internet financial construction of Ryan Capital Group. In the second and third chapters, the literature research method is used to study Xie Ping's Internet Finance Manual, Luo Mingxiong's Internet Finance, and Ryan Capital Group's 2012-2017 Strategic Development Plan. The main viewpoints of the literature are summarized, and the above results are quoted in the paper, which lays the foundation for the author to understand and demonstrate the Internet finance construction of Ryan Capital Group in detail. In the fifth and sixth chapters, the author analyzes the Internet finance construction of Ryan Capital Group by using the knowledge of information technology, the theory of Internet finance and the method of enterprise development strategy, respectively. Help the author to detail the full face of Ryan Capital Group's Internet finance. In the sixth chapter, the author compares the similarities and differences between PPDAI and Yi Xin, two typical domestic P2P cases, and constructs a P2P network loan platform construction model of Ryan Capital Group. As a result, Ryan Capital Group designed a new P2P network loan model with O 2 O local guarantee. This paper combines the current theory of Internet finance with the classification and arrangement of the Internet finance construction path of Ryan Capital Group. It points out that Ryan Capital Group has two main ways to build Internet finance: building enterprise informatization and constructing P2P network loan platform. This paper helps Ryan Capital Group to build the enterprise information construction model, and points out the construction of customer resource layer, business management layer, decision analysis layer, The four-level information system management structure of platform support layer is the reasonable path of information construction of Ryan Capital Group. This paper also analyzes the construction of RyanCapital Group's e-commerce platform, and points out that P2P O2O local guarantee is the best choice for the development of RyanCapital Group's ecommerce platform.


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