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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-07 13:06
[Abstract]:In order to explore the interaction between the brand familiarity of consumers and the way merchants promote sales on their purchase intention, the online shopping scene is simulated, and the consumer's dual system information processing theory (emotion processing system) is used. The cognitive processing system analyzes consumers' purchase intention and examines the interaction and mechanism of brand familiarity (high and low) and online promotion (price promotion and non-price promotion) on consumers' purchase intention. The results show that, for high familiarity brands, price promotion is more likely than non-price promotion to induce consumers' willingness to buy, and its intermediary mechanism is emotional processing system. For low familiarity brands, non-price promotion is more likely than price promotion to arouse consumers' willingness to buy, and its intermediary mechanism is cognitive processing system.
【作者單位】: 北京郵電大學經濟管理學院;


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