

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-07 10:40
[Abstract]:China and South Korea are geographically close. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries in 1992, with the efforts of the governments and enterprises of the two countries, the development of trade between the two countries has been accelerating, and the people of both countries have deeply felt the benefits brought about by the development of trade between China and South Korea. China and South Korea should strive to maintain Sino-Korean trade so that it can develop in a better direction. However, in the process of trade development between China and South Korea, the trade deficit problem is becoming more and more serious, and the trade deficit seriously affects China's economic development. The two governments should work to change the trade deficit and promote better trade between the two countries. This paper starts with the analysis of the trade deficit, finds out the changing trend of the trade deficit through the data of the trade development of China and South Korea, and finds out the causes of the trade deficit through the commodity analysis of the two countries, in order to improve the situation of the trade deficit. To promote better development between the two countries. This article is divided into seven parts, the first part is the introduction part, introduced the research background significance and the domestic and foreign research status quo; The second part introduces the international trade theory, including absolute advantage theory, comparative advantage theory, intra-industry trade theory, factor endowment theory and national competitive advantage theory. The paper introduces the causes of international trade from the theoretical point of view. The third part analyzes the trade deficit and the trend of trade development between China and South Korea. Through the analysis of the data, we can see that China's trade deficit is constantly increasing in the process of trade between China and South Korea. In the fourth part, through the competitive analysis of China and South Korea to find out the causes of the trade deficit, starting from the commodity structure of China and South Korea, the comparative advantages of the two countries are analyzed, the difference of commodity structure between the two countries is the main cause of the trade deficit. The difference of factor endowment and the different level of economic development lead to the difference of commodity structure, which leads to the production of trade deficit. The fifth part is to find out the cause of the trade deficit through the analysis of intra-industry trade and trade combination, mainly because of the serious vertical trade division between the two countries, which exacerbates the situation of trade deficit between the two countries. And the different policies of the two countries also lead to the production of the trade deficit, including the direct investment of South Korea in China, the trade friction between the two countries and the different foreign trade policies. The sixth part puts forward suggestions to improve the trade deficit between China and South Korea, and the construction of free trade zone between China and South Korea will ease the trade deficit between the two countries. With the continuous development of Sino-Korean trade, the first thing our government should do is to improve the industrial structure of our country and enhance the innovation ability of enterprises. Only by starting with the industrial structure, can we fundamentally change the characteristics of the commodity structure of our country. In order to alleviate the low competitiveness of China's commodities, the Chinese government should continue to encourage Chinese enterprises to invest in Korea and make full use of Korea's technological and resource conditions. The two governments should also strengthen information communication. Only by properly handling disputes in the course of trade can we promote the trade between the two countries to develop in a better direction. The seventh part is the summary and summary of the full text. Through the analysis of Sino-Korean trade in this paper, the development of Sino-Korean trade, especially after the construction of the China-Korea Free Trade Zone, will further strengthen the economic strength of the two countries. It will have a positive impact on the development of the Asia-Pacific region and the world economy as a whole. As for the problems in trade between China and South Korea, if the two governments work together, the deficit problem can be solved, and it is believed that in the future, the two countries will develop in a better direction.


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