

發(fā)布時間:2018-11-06 10:08
[Abstract]:In order to promote the construction of Hainan International tourist Island, on March 24, 2011, with the approval of the State Council, the Ministry of Finance issued a notice on launching a pilot policy on duty-free shopping for tourists from Hainan Islands. Since then, Hainan has become the Japanese island of Okinawa. South Korea's Jeju Island and Taiwan's Matsu, Kinmen, after the implementation of the fourth outlying island tax-free area. As one of the actual operating subjects of the tax exemption policy on the outlying islands, Hainan H duty-free shopping center has made considerable progress thanks to the policy dividend. However, under the overall environment of the construction of Hainan International Tourism Island and the severe economic situation at home and abroad, Hainan H duty-free shopping center also faces many opportunities and challenges. How to manage the enterprise well, formulate the development strategy matching with the enterprise, so as to construct the core competence of the enterprise, is an important subject that must be paid attention to in the process of enterprise growth. In this paper, by means of literature analysis, field investigation, interview and other research methods, this paper comprehensively compares the present situation of tax exemption policy of offshore islands at home and abroad, and on the basis of in-depth analysis of the development situation of Hainan H duty-free shopping center, This paper studies the opportunities, threats and internal strengths, weaknesses, and development strategies in the external environment of an enterprise. At present, Hainan H duty-free shopping center sales performance is outstanding, driving the development of Hainan tourism market. From the perspective of the external environment of enterprise development, the in-depth promotion of the construction of the international tourism island has made the Hainan tourism market enter the fast track of development, but there is also a sustained growth of outbound tourism by domestic residents. The policy restriction condition is many and the competitor develops the momentum to be strong and so on the threat. From the point of view of internal capability, enterprises have state-owned enterprises background, can mobilize a wide range of resources, internal advantages. Although there are some problems, such as extensive operation management, weak marketing, poor shopping experience and so on, its own advantages can be further expanded by making up the short board. In order to form the core competitiveness, this paper clearly proposes that the differentiation strategy should be used as the development strategy of Hainan H tax exempt shopping center, and expounds the specific connotation of the differentiation strategy: the differentiation of business model, the differentiation of marketing and the differentiation of products. And has drawn up a series of measures for the implementation of the strategy: draw on the domestic and foreign well-known duty-free industry operators advanced operation management and business concepts; To increase the experience type, to create the omni-directional shopping experience, to innovate the experience shopping center business model, to improve the marketing level and to carry out all kinds of characteristic marketing activities; To improve the efficiency of duty-free goods supply, optimize the commodity structure, implement the differentiated supply of products, strive for further relaxation of the tax exemption policy for outlying islands; This paper starts with the macro layout and details to formulate the enterprise development strategy, which has guiding significance for the next development of Hainan H duty-free shopping center and the development strategy of other duty-free industry operators.


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