

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-05 10:17
[Abstract]:In the past 30 years, bilateral trade between China and India has grown substantially. However, in recent years, the development of Sino-Indian trade has been faced with problems such as sluggish development, low dependence, increasing imbalance, and so on, mainly due to the weak competitiveness of India's export products and the rise of trade protectionism in India. India's business environment is not good, the world economy and trade downturn and other factors. At the same time, the development of Sino-Indian trade is facing tremendous opportunities, the two countries have strong political cooperation willingness, huge economic cooperation potential, strong complementarity in development strategy, and Chinese enterprises have a high enthusiasm for investment in India. China and India should maintain stable bilateral relations, promote the balanced development of trade between China and India, oppose trade protectionism, link up the development strategy between China and India, strengthen Sino-Indian capacity cooperation, and strengthen bilateral and multilateral financial cooperation in order to promote the development of bilateral trade. Promote the development and prosperity of the two countries and even the world economy.


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