

發(fā)布時間:2018-11-04 16:36
[Abstract]:Inner Mongolia is located in the northern part of the motherland, with a border line of 3103 kilometers with Mongolia. There are currently 10 ports to be exchanged between the two sides. The government of the autonomous region has always attached importance to the development and construction of ports. In 2013, the autonomous regional party committee examined the situation. Putting forward the development orientation of Inner Mongolia "to build an important bridgehead for opening our country to the north and to develop an open economic belt along a vibrant border". In January 2014, when General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Inner Mongolia, he explicitly requested, It is necessary to expand opening up to promote reform and development, develop port economy, strengthen infrastructure construction, improve cooperation mechanisms with Russia and Mongolia, deepen cooperation in various fields, and build Inner Mongolia into an important bridgehead for China to open to the north. How to achieve external connectivity and trade exchanges, ports are the bridge for the development of bilateral trade, logistics infrastructure is the basis for bilateral trade development, how to form a reasonable port system conducive to bilateral development and trade exchanges, Building a logistics infrastructure that can meet the needs of bilateral trade is a problem that needs to be addressed. At present, Inner Mongolia is lagging behind in the overall economic development of the Mongolian port, but both the current international and domestic political and economic development situation, as well as bilateral resources, culture, and industry are all very conducive to mutually beneficial cooperation between the two economies. The development and construction of ports can promote the further development of the hinterland economy and promote the economic prosperity and social stability of the border areas. It is already an international consensus that how to build a reasonable port system and improve the function of logistics infrastructure, Is the bilateral port economic development foundation. On the basis of summing up the research results of scholars and technicians at home and abroad, with the help of geo-economic theory, growth pole theory and industrial agglomeration theory, this paper makes full use of the geographical location advantages of Inner Mongolia, and makes use of the characteristics of current port industries in Inner Mongolia. And according to the demand of trade volume and service depth of different ports, using the methods of analytic hierarchy process, literature analysis, field investigation and so on, we evaluate a new port system and create a brand new port industrial agglomeration place. And taking this as a new growth pole, through improving the construction and function of logistics infrastructure, driving the development of the port city and its surrounding areas, forming a new emphasis, rational structure, and wide radiation range. The cooperative port system can truly realize the goal of making Inner Mongolia into an important bridgehead and an open economic belt along the border. The innovation of this paper lies in: first, systematic research. In this paper, we study Mongolia port as a special port area as a system optimization, which enriches the academic research results on the Mongolian border port system. Second, innovative research methods. In this study, AHP was used to test the importance of the logistics node in Mongolia port, which provided the basis for the construction of port system in Mongolia, and provided a reference for the logistics infrastructure of the key logistics node cities. Thirdly, the combination of port system and logistics infrastructure, rather than separate discussion, strengthens the depth and relevance of the research on system construction and logistics infrastructure in ports.


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