

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-10-26 16:33
[Abstract]:The "Silk Road Economic Belt" strategy put forward by China in 2013 is one of the trend signs and innovative forms of economic regionalization and economic globalization. "Belt and Road" will become a new growth point of Sino-Russian economy and will be supported and approved by Russia. The implementation of the "Silk Road Economic Belt" policy will bring tremendous changes to Sino-Russian trade relations, Eurasian economies and political situation. Therefore, under the new situation and under the impetus of "Belt and Road", China and Russia will join hands in economic and trade cooperation to create a new situation. The Silk Road Economic Belt is a good opportunity for the development of trade between China and Russia. The construction of "Belt and Road" can strengthen economic and trade cooperation, promote economic development in Northeast Asia, change the pattern of global economic development, and help the Chinese and Russian economies to a higher level. In view of the above situation, this paper studies the influence of Belt and Road construction on the development of Sino-Russian trade, which consists of seven parts. The first part introduces the research background, research significance, research methods, innovation points, paper structure, technical route and domestic and foreign scholars. The second part introduces the theoretical basis of Sino-Russian trade research and the theoretical knowledge of international trade. The third part discusses the current situation and existing problems of Sino-Russian trade development. The fourth part uses quantitative analysis method to analyze the trade complementarity between the two countries, including the empirical analysis of Sino-Russian trade comparative advantage and the empirical analysis of Sino-Russian trade complementarity. And through the SWOT analysis of the "Belt and Road" strategy under the development of trade opportunities between the two countries to analyze. The sixth part, based on the results of the analysis, puts forward countermeasures and suggestions to promote the development of Sino-Russian trade. The seventh part, the full text summary.


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