

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-10-26 13:13
[Abstract]:In recent years, trade relations between the United States and China have been playing a stabilizing role in Sino-US relations. The United States has surpassed the European Union to become the largest exporter of China and China is also the largest source of imports to the United States. The reduction of tariff barriers has effectively promoted the growth of Sino-American trade, accompanied by less and less room for adjustment and a declining marginal effect. At the same time, "non-efficiency of trade", as a recessive market barrier, has attracted much attention in the current international situation. How to solve the problem of non-efficiency of trade? Or how to alleviate this problem is the focus of governments and enterprises and the focus of trade reform, that is, how to carry out trade facilitation to reduce the technical and institutional barriers in transnational trade. In this paper, we study the relationship between trade flows and trade facilitation of manufactured goods between China and the United States, in order to find out the trade facilitation factors that affect the trade flows of manufactured goods between China and the United States. The corresponding measures have positive practical significance for improving the trade environment of manufactured goods and expanding the scale of trade between China and the United States. This paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter introduces the background and significance of trade facilitation affecting Sino-US manufactured goods trade, the relevant theoretical review and the frame structure of the article, and puts forward the innovation and deficiency of this paper. The second chapter puts forward the related concepts of trade facilitation, evaluates the evaluation index of trade facilitation and data selection, and describes the calculation method of the comprehensive index of trade facilitation. The third chapter is about the development of Sino-US manufactured goods trade and its existing problems, and analyzes the impact of Sino-US manufactured goods trade on China's economic development, and summarizes and collates the scores of Sino-US trade facilitation indicators through the global competitiveness report (GCR). Chapter IV empirical study, using the customs procedures burden, port efficiency, domestic institutional environment, information technology (e-commerce) and financial environment to measure the degree of trade facilitation. The influence of Sino-US trade facilitation measures on the trade of manufactured goods between China and the United States is analyzed empirically by gravity model. In the fifth chapter, to improve the trade of manufactured goods between China and the United States, we establish a broad platform of business cooperation with the help of international cooperation between China and the United States, and improve the level of trade facilitation between China and the United States.


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