

發(fā)布時間:2018-10-20 11:03
[Abstract]:The key to maintain the competitive advantage of mechanical and electrical products manufacturing enterprises is to provide customers with high-quality, inexpensive products and services, and to continuously improve their satisfaction. The key problem is to evaluate the products accurately and improve the products accordingly. Traditional product and service evaluation is generally carried out manually by domain experts, but domain experts may lack real user experience, which leads to product evaluation is not really recognized by users, and ultimately it can not effectively improve the effect of user satisfaction. With the rapid development of e-commerce, mechanical and electrical products online sales have been very popular. E-commerce websites generally provide users with online comment function. After a large number of users purchase and use the products, the evaluation information filled in reflects the real product experience of the users, and can provide efficient and objective evaluation information for mechanical and electrical products. Therefore, this paper puts forward an evaluation method of electromechanical products based on online comment mining, which takes the online comment data of electronic commerce website as the main information source of product evaluation. In order to solve the problem of lack of real user experience in expert evaluation, the product is evaluated objectively and truthfully by mining a lot of comment data. The main research contents of this paper are as follows: 1) on the basis of determining the source and analyzing the characteristics of the data, a web crawler oriented to online review is designed to obtain the data and preprocess it. In order to meet the needs of the optimization of evaluation index system and the research of user evaluation identification. 2) to design an evaluation index system oriented to online evaluation, and to propose an optimization method for evaluation index system based on user knowledge. Based on the evaluation index system, the fuzzy pattern matching template method is proposed to identify the user evaluation in the online evaluation. 3) based on the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation, the evaluation framework of mechanical and electrical products is proposed. An improved fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is proposed to obtain credible evaluation results from untrusted online evaluation data. 4) in view of the lack of concrete explanation of the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, A product individuation evaluation model based on fuzzy cognitive map is proposed, which realizes the concrete explanation of evaluation results and the more economical recommendation of alternative and improved evaluation index, in order to improve user satisfaction. The product evaluation method proposed in this paper based on online evaluation expands the breadth and depth of product evaluation, and has certain theoretical significance for product evaluation. At the same time, it has certain practical significance in helping enterprises to enhance customer satisfaction and market competitiveness.


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