

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-14 04:12

  本文選題:并購動因 + 整合方式; 參考:《華南理工大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文

【摘要】:面對來自國外企業(yè)的競爭,許多中國企業(yè)已經(jīng)在國內(nèi)市場占據(jù)了主導(dǎo)地位。在全球化的背景下,中國企業(yè)迫切需要在國外市場上提高國際競爭力。然而,中國企業(yè)從產(chǎn)品設(shè)計(jì)到品牌營銷等諸多方面的水平和程度與國外同行還存在著很大差距,在競爭全球化的影響下,中國企業(yè)急需提高自身的國際化水平?鐕①徔赡苁侵袊髽I(yè)獲得戰(zhàn)略資源,擴(kuò)張市場最快、最方便的的方式。在過去的幾年中,跨國并購已經(jīng)成為許多中國企業(yè)的主要戰(zhàn)略之一。 本文運(yùn)用案例研究的方法,對三一重工并購德國普茨邁斯特和中聯(lián)重科并購意大利CIFA兩個并購案例作比較研究,尋找中國企業(yè)跨國并購的并購動機(jī)和整合方式的形成受到那些因素影響,分析整合方式對并購績效的影響機(jī)制。本文試圖深入探究以下四個問題:(1)中國制造企業(yè)具有什么樣的跨國并購動機(jī)?(2)他們采用了那些不同的整合方式?(3)企業(yè)特有因素、情境因素和并購動機(jī)如何影響他們的整合方式?(4)整合方式如何影響并購績效?本文將在資源基礎(chǔ)理論視角下,分析三一重工和中聯(lián)重科探索資源、獲取資源的跨國并購動機(jī)。以競爭驅(qū)動、尋求市場、尋求技術(shù)、尋求戰(zhàn)略資產(chǎn)和尋求效率五種并購動機(jī)特征,對案例的并購動機(jī)進(jìn)行分析。采用企業(yè)能力和情景因素兩個概念,探討并購動機(jī)和整合方式受到那些因素的影響。本文采用霍夫斯泰德的文化維度理論,從權(quán)力距離和不確定性規(guī)避兩個維度探究東道國與中國文化差異,探討這些差異如何影響到人們的組織觀,從而影響到并購雙方在整合資源當(dāng)中解決問題的方式。進(jìn)而尋找中國企業(yè)整合西方企業(yè)面對文化差異時的解決辦法。本文用戰(zhàn)略依賴性和獨(dú)立性需求兩個維度來分析并購企業(yè)和被并購企業(yè)之間的依存關(guān)系。在這兩個維度上,本文將與之相匹配的整合模式分為吸收式、共存式、保護(hù)式及控制式四種整合模式。通過對兩個企業(yè)的并購績效與整合模式之間的分析、比較,本文探究不同整合方式對并購績效的影響。 通過本文的研究分析,得出以下幾點(diǎn)主要結(jié)論: (1)中國工程機(jī)械制造企業(yè)借助跨國并購,希望將發(fā)達(dá)國家的品牌、研發(fā)能力等無形資產(chǎn)轉(zhuǎn)移到國內(nèi),以加強(qiáng)自身在國內(nèi)的競爭地位。為了分散因過于依賴國內(nèi)市場而帶來的經(jīng)營風(fēng)險,拓展海外市場也是他們跨國并購的主要動機(jī)。 (2)當(dāng)企業(yè)采取的整合措施與東道國人們心目中隱含的組織模式相匹配的時候,跨國并購可以更順利地完成吸收式整合。因?yàn)楸徊①徠髽I(yè)有很強(qiáng)的獨(dú)立性需求,所以兩個案例在整合初期都采用了保護(hù)模式,但兩個企業(yè)都采取了措施,削弱被并購方的獨(dú)立性需求。中聯(lián)重科的跨文化管理能力更強(qiáng),能夠更全面、系統(tǒng)地實(shí)施整合,,最終完成了從保護(hù)式向吸收式的轉(zhuǎn)變,從而提升了業(yè)績。 (3)在東道國與母國國家文化差異很大的情況下,被并購企業(yè)初期的獨(dú)立性需求會很強(qiáng)。為了避免沖突,中國企業(yè)在初期往往會采用保護(hù)式整合。當(dāng)企業(yè)具備豐富的并購經(jīng)驗(yàn)和較強(qiáng)的跨文化管理能力時,企業(yè)往往能夠采取措施,提高被并購企業(yè)的戰(zhàn)略依賴性,同時因應(yīng)東道國的文化心理特征,降低被并購企業(yè)的獨(dú)立性需求。在并購企業(yè)帶有很強(qiáng)的尋求市場、尋求技術(shù)和尋求戰(zhàn)略資產(chǎn)動機(jī),但目標(biāo)企業(yè)被出售的主要原因是需要資金解困的情況下,被并購方初期的戰(zhàn)略依賴性會較弱,這也導(dǎo)致了企業(yè)采取保護(hù)式整合。 (4)當(dāng)整合過度到吸收式模式時,企業(yè)的并購績效會提升。這是因?yàn)槲帐秸咸岣吡吮徊①彿降膽?zhàn)略依賴性,并且降低了被并購方的獨(dú)立性需求,使并購雙方潛在的協(xié)同效應(yīng)得以發(fā)揮,從而達(dá)到經(jīng)營業(yè)績1+12的并購目標(biāo)。
[Abstract]:In the face of the competition from foreign enterprises , many Chinese enterprises have dominated the domestic market . In the context of globalization , Chinese enterprises urgently need to improve international competitiveness in foreign markets . However , Chinese enterprises need to improve their internationalization level from product design to brand marketing . However , under the influence of competition globalization , Chinese enterprises urgently need to improve their internationalization level . In the past few years , cross - border M & A has become one of the main strategies of many Chinese enterprises .

This paper tries to explore the relationship between M & A and M & A through the analysis of two dimensions : absorptive , co - existence , protection and control . In the view of resource base theory , this paper analyzes the relationship between M & A and M & A .

Through the research and analysis of this paper , the following points are drawn :

( 1 ) With the help of cross - border M & A , China ' s engineering machinery manufacturing enterprises want to transfer intangible assets such as brand and R & D capability of developed countries to the country to strengthen their competitive position in China . In order to disperse the business risks caused by overreliance on domestic markets , the expansion of overseas markets is also the main motivation for their cross - border M & A .

( 2 ) When the integration measures taken by the enterprises match the implicit organizational pattern in the host country , the cross - border M & A can more smoothly complete the absorption integration . Because the M & A enterprises have strong independence demand , the two cases adopt the protection model in the early integration period , but both enterprises adopt measures to weaken the independence demand of the merged party .

( 3 ) In order to avoid conflicts , Chinese enterprises often adopt protection type integration . In order to avoid conflicts , Chinese enterprises tend to adopt protection type integration in the early stages . When enterprises have rich experience of M & A and strong cross - cultural management ability , enterprises can take measures to improve the strategic dependence of M & A enterprises . At the same time , enterprises with M & A have strong search market , seek technology and seek strategic asset motivation , but the main reason why the target enterprises are sold is weak , which also leads to the protection type integration of enterprises .

( 4 ) When the integration is over to the absorption mode , the performance of M & A will be improved . This is because the absorption integration improves the strategic dependence of the M & A side , and reduces the independence demand of the M & A party , so that the potential synergies between the M & A and the M & A can be realized , so as to achieve the M & A target of the operating performance 1 + 12 .



相關(guān)博士學(xué)位論文 前1條

1 王菲;跨國戰(zhàn)略聯(lián)盟中的文化沖突研究[D];遼寧大學(xué);2010年




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