

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-12 15:53

  本文選題:多項(xiàng)目管理 + 視頻分析; 參考:《浙江工業(yè)大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文

[Abstract]:In recent years, threats from around the public have made the public's demand for security unprecedented, and the original security and defense system functions can no longer meet the requirements. It is urgent to really realize "real-time monitoring and immediate response." Minimize and even prevent dangerous events from happening in time. Under the background of this market demand, many enterprises have stepped into the field of video analysis. As a result, video analysis technology enterprises are facing cruel market competition pressure, especially the survival of the fittest in these enterprises. How to improve the market competitiveness of enterprises has become an urgent problem to be solved by video analysis technology enterprises. When an enterprise's capital, technology, talent, information and other resources meet the bottleneck, management is undoubtedly the most important factor to improve its efficiency. This paper briefly analyzes the cruel situation faced by video analysis technology enterprises, and points out that technological innovation and effective management are two important breakthrough points to solve the problem of survival and development of enterprises. The most effective way to improve management efficiency is to use the knowledge and methods of multi-project management reasonably. However, many of the current theories and methods of multi-project management are based on large enterprises and large projects, especially the important theory of multi-project management, which involves the strategic decision of enterprises and really pays attention to the economic benefits of enterprises. However, there are few successful application cases in domestic video analysis technology enterprises. In this paper, two important knowledge fields of multi-project management, project set management and project portfolio management, are studied, and the relationship between project, project set and project portfolio is analyzed, and project value analysis and project selection are discussed. This paper puts forward a multi-project management application mode which can be popularized in video analysis technology enterprises by combining the practical situation of the enterprises of video analysis technology and the common methods of multi-project management such as priority arrangement and so on. In this application mode, this paper applies the key chain method to multi-project management to help video analysis technology enterprises solve the problem of resource shortage. Finally, according to the project situation of the enterprise in which the author works, this paper expounds the practical problems and difficulties encountered by the enterprise in carrying out the multi-project management, and applies the application mode of the multi-project management. The feasibility and practical value of this management model are verified by practical cases.


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