

發(fā)布時間:2018-01-10 02:28

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:福祿壽喜珠寶天貓旗艦店商業(yè)計劃書 出處:《蘭州大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 珠寶 天貓商城 商業(yè)計劃書

【摘要】:福祿壽喜珠寶的天貓旗艦店項目是創(chuàng)業(yè)項目,本文是這個項目的計劃書,主要內(nèi)容是向合作伙伴和投資人介紹公司的詳細規(guī)劃,分析目標(biāo)市場,介紹本項目的盈利模式,預(yù)測投資收益,以達到融資的目標(biāo)。創(chuàng)業(yè)項目的選擇與作者的工作經(jīng)歷有關(guān),本文作者已從事珠寶行業(yè)近十年,有四年珠寶零售管理經(jīng)驗,比較了解行業(yè)特點;之后在國家權(quán)威質(zhì)檢機構(gòu)的關(guān)鍵技術(shù)崗位任職六年,積累豐富的珠寶專業(yè)知識,工作過程中接觸到諸多鉆石貿(mào)易公司、首飾設(shè)計企業(yè)及OEM珠寶加工廠,對珠寶產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈有全面深入的了解。業(yè)余時間經(jīng)營過淘寶店鋪,積累了一些網(wǎng)絡(luò)店鋪的運營經(jīng)驗。 目前中國網(wǎng)絡(luò)營銷的發(fā)展趨勢是B2C模式所占比重越來越大,天貓商城的市場份額超過國內(nèi)B2C模式營銷總額的一半,發(fā)展前景廣闊,是本項目創(chuàng)業(yè)的最佳平臺。本項目以鉆石首飾、貴重寶石首飾的訂制為主營業(yè)務(wù)、兼營黃金等貴金屬首飾。計劃發(fā)展到一定階段后向體驗店模式過度,在深圳開設(shè)第一家體驗店,并逐漸向內(nèi)地拓展市場,積極探討連鎖經(jīng)營模式。 為準(zhǔn)確分析天貓市場,本文借助國內(nèi)先進的網(wǎng)絡(luò)交易統(tǒng)計軟件《情報通》獲取數(shù)據(jù),對天貓商城珠寶交易數(shù)據(jù)進行統(tǒng)計分析,統(tǒng)計時段是剛過去的一年,統(tǒng)計珠寶銷售規(guī)模約15.47億,統(tǒng)計總銷量約350萬件。同時分析天貓商城幾家優(yōu)秀的競爭對手,研究其如何在天貓商城經(jīng)營,分析競爭對手的交易規(guī)模、各首飾品種的交易比例及交易總額;分析競爭對手的促銷策略、價格策略、渠道策略等市場營銷手段,為本項目找到天貓市場競爭規(guī)律。對天貓商城最新實際交易數(shù)據(jù)的分析是本項目市場定位的基礎(chǔ)。通過對目標(biāo)市場細分,結(jié)合本店自身特點,比較項目的優(yōu)勢、劣勢、機會與威脅,為創(chuàng)業(yè)項目進行市場定位、設(shè)定營銷目標(biāo)、制定營銷策略、建設(shè)人才梯隊,然后做投資估算、財務(wù)分析、盈虧平衡分析以及風(fēng)險評估,最終得出商業(yè)計劃書的結(jié)論。
[Abstract]:Fortune jewelry Tmall flagship store is entrepreneurial projects, this paper is the project plan, the main content is to introduce the detailed planning of partners and investors of the company, the target market analysis, introduced the project profit model, prediction of investment income, in order to achieve financial goals. And the author choose entrepreneurial project work experience, the author has been engaged in jewelry industry for nearly ten years, with four years of management experience in retail jewelry, a better understanding of the characteristics of the industry; after the key technical positions in the national quality inspection authority for six years, accumulated rich jewelry professional knowledge, access to many Diamond Trading Co in the process of work, jewelry design enterprises and OEM jewelry processing factory a comprehensive, in-depth understanding of the jewelry industry chain. In his spare time to run Taobao store, accumulated some network of shops operating experience.
At present, the development trend of Chinese network marketing B2C mode is the growing proportion of Tmall mall's market share more than half of the total domestic B2C marketing mode, broad prospects for development, is the best platform for this project. This project is based on the entrepreneurial diamond jewelry custom jewelry of precious stones as the main business, engaged in gold and other precious metal jewelry plan. After a certain stage of development to the store experience over, opened the first store in Shenzhen, and gradually expand to the mainland market, actively explore the business model.
To accurately analyze the Tmall market, with the domestic advanced network transaction statistics software < information > data acquisition, statistical analysis of Tmall mall jewelry trading data, statistical period is just over a year, statistics jewelry sales volume of about 1 billion 547 million, total sales of about 3 million 500 thousand. At the same time, analysis of Tmall mall several excellent competition how to study its rivals, Tmall mall management, analysis of competitors, transaction size, transaction volume and proportion of trading the jewelry varieties; the analysis of the competition promotion strategy, price strategy, channel strategy and marketing means, for the project to find the market competition law. The analysis of Tmall Tmall mall is the latest actual transaction data based on the project market positioning. According to target market segmentation, combined with our own characteristics, project advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats, for entrepreneurial projects Market positioning, setting marketing objectives, developing marketing strategies, building talent echelon, and then making investment estimation, financial analysis, breakeven analysis and risk assessment, and finally draw the conclusion of the business plan.



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