

發(fā)布時間:2018-04-27 08:35

  本文選題:ZC控股集團 + 管控體系 ; 參考:《大連理工大學》2013年碩士論文

【摘要】:在經(jīng)濟國際化、全球化、一體化和國內(nèi)市場經(jīng)濟不斷發(fā)展的今天,民營企業(yè)發(fā)揮著舉足輕重的作用。隨著企業(yè)規(guī)模日趨增大,民營企業(yè)呈現(xiàn)出經(jīng)營多元化、組織集團化的發(fā)展趨勢。當民營企業(yè)從單體公司壯大到集團化公司時,怎樣建立滿足公司發(fā)展需要的集團管控體系,如何提高集團公司對子公司的經(jīng)營管理效率,就成為我國民營企業(yè)集團,尤其是處于快速發(fā)展階段的民營企業(yè)集團亟需解決的重要問題。 通過一系列的股權重組,ZC控股集團于2012年10月正式組建,目前業(yè)務涉及建筑工程、房地產(chǎn)綜合開發(fā)、融資擔保、項目投資、裝飾裝修等。雖然成立之初ZC控股集團已初步建立了母子公司管控體系,但存在整體管控模式較為粗放,沒有清晰的管控思路和模式,缺乏有效的管控手段,管控制度不完善等問題。ZC控股集團正處于二次創(chuàng)業(yè)的關鍵時期和調(diào)整階段,多元化戰(zhàn)略需要進一步完善,集團公司和子公司間的關系定位與權限劃分有待進一步明晰,各一級、二級子公司各具特點,迫切需要建立一套完整的集團管控體系,以達到集團整體利益最大化、持續(xù)健康發(fā)展的目的。 本研究以集團管控的相關理論為指導,充分結合ZC控股集團的實際情況,對其集團管控現(xiàn)狀、存在的問題進行了分析、梳理和總結。在此基礎上,根據(jù)ZC控股集團戰(zhàn)略發(fā)展的需要,對其管控體系的設計思路、集團總部組織架構設置,以及子公司的具體管控模式等具體方面進行了相應的優(yōu)化,并提出了管控模式的具體實施措施和保障機制,包括戰(zhàn)略、人力資源、財務、信息化、經(jīng)營信息等方面。
[Abstract]:In the economic internationalization, globalization, integration and the continuous development of the domestic market economy, private enterprises play a pivotal role. With the increasing scale of enterprises, private enterprises present a trend of diversified management and collectivization. When private enterprises grow from individual companies to collectivized companies, how to establish a group management and control system to meet the needs of the development of the company, and how to improve the efficiency of the management and management of the subsidiaries of the group companies will become the private enterprise groups in our country. Especially in the rapid development stage of private enterprise groups need to solve the important issues. Through a series of equity restructuring, ZC Holdings Group was formally established in October 2012. At present, the business involves construction engineering, real estate comprehensive development, financing guarantee, project investment, decoration and decoration, etc. Although ZC holding Group has initially established a parent-subsidiary control system at the beginning of its establishment, there is a relatively extensive overall control mode, no clear ideas and modes of control and control, and a lack of effective means of control and control. ZC holding Group is in the critical period and adjustment stage of the second venture, the diversification strategy needs to be further improved, the relationship between the group and its subsidiaries needs to be further clarified. The secondary subsidiary companies have their own characteristics, so it is urgent to establish a complete group management and control system to maximize the overall interests of the group and to develop continuously and healthily. Under the guidance of the theory of group management and control, this paper analyzes, combs and summarizes the status quo and existing problems of ZC holding group based on the actual situation of ZC holding group. On this basis, according to the needs of the strategic development of ZC holding Group, the design ideas of its control system, the organization structure of the headquarters of the Group, and the specific control mode of the subsidiary company are optimized accordingly. It also puts forward the implementation measures and guarantee mechanism of the management and control mode, including strategy, human resources, finance, information, management information and so on.


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