

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-25 00:33

  本文選題:金融調(diào)控權(quán) + 構(gòu)造。 參考:《吉林大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文

【摘要】:中國(guó)人民銀行是我國(guó)的中央銀行,是我國(guó)享有金融調(diào)控權(quán)的主體,它在國(guó)務(wù)院領(lǐng)導(dǎo)下行使金融調(diào)控權(quán)。隨著我國(guó)市場(chǎng)經(jīng)濟(jì)的不斷發(fā)展,尤其是近幾年金融調(diào)控權(quán)在應(yīng)對(duì)金融危機(jī)、房地產(chǎn)泡沫以及通貨膨脹等問(wèn)題中發(fā)揮了重要的作用。金融調(diào)控權(quán)的過(guò)分集中,勢(shì)必會(huì)造成權(quán)力的濫用,同時(shí)會(huì)滋生腐敗,也將產(chǎn)生一系列嚴(yán)重的社會(huì)問(wèn)題。因此,把金融調(diào)控權(quán)納入到法律規(guī)制的框架是必要的。 如果把權(quán)力看成一種自由,那么自由到了一定邊界,就要對(duì)秩序做出衡量,自由和秩序平衡的結(jié)果就意味著有了實(shí)現(xiàn)正義的可能性,所以,金融調(diào)控權(quán)應(yīng)該受到限制。為此《中國(guó)人民銀行法》賦予中國(guó)人民銀行以金融調(diào)控權(quán),即貨幣政策制定和執(zhí)行權(quán),中國(guó)人民銀行選擇運(yùn)用各種貨幣政策工具調(diào)節(jié)和控制貨幣供應(yīng)量,,以維護(hù)金融穩(wěn)定,保持經(jīng)濟(jì)健康持續(xù)發(fā)展。然而在《中國(guó)人民銀行法》中卻很少發(fā)現(xiàn)對(duì)金融調(diào)控權(quán)主體濫用權(quán)力所應(yīng)承擔(dān)不利后果的相關(guān)規(guī)定。金融調(diào)控權(quán)作為一種公權(quán)力本身就具有強(qiáng)大的社會(huì)力量,在立法上理應(yīng)有所傾斜,這種偏向保障權(quán)力而較少規(guī)定權(quán)力行使所應(yīng)承擔(dān)的不利的法律后果也有違現(xiàn)代法治通過(guò)限制國(guó)家權(quán)力從而保障公民權(quán)利的精神。 本文將從四個(gè)部分闡述金融調(diào)控權(quán)的構(gòu)造及其邊界: 第一部分從金融調(diào)控權(quán)的一般理論出發(fā),闡述金融調(diào)控權(quán)的構(gòu)造,主要從金融調(diào)控權(quán)的主體、內(nèi)容、特征的角度靜態(tài)分析金融調(diào)控權(quán)。 第二部分是從根源上分析金融調(diào)控權(quán)產(chǎn)生,說(shuō)明金融調(diào)控權(quán)不是從來(lái)就有的,也不是伴隨著貨幣的產(chǎn)生而產(chǎn)生,而是商品經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展到一定階段的產(chǎn)物。第二次世界大戰(zhàn)結(jié)束后,東歐劇變,蘇聯(lián)解體,新科技革命等,世界朝著多極化發(fā)展,逐漸形成一個(gè)統(tǒng)一的市場(chǎng),金融調(diào)控權(quán)理論的發(fā)展也應(yīng)隨經(jīng)濟(jì)基礎(chǔ)的變化而做出與之相適應(yīng)的調(diào)整。 第三部分從動(dòng)態(tài)的角度分析金融調(diào)控權(quán)的運(yùn)行,金融調(diào)控權(quán)的運(yùn)行是一個(gè)從貨幣政策目標(biāo)制定、貨幣政策制定與執(zhí)行的過(guò)程。要建立和維護(hù)金融調(diào)控權(quán)的政策運(yùn)行,必須運(yùn)用法律對(duì)金融調(diào)控權(quán)從程序加以限制,將金融調(diào)控權(quán)控制在法律允許的范圍內(nèi)。 第四部分為金融調(diào)控權(quán)的約束機(jī)制,建立起統(tǒng)一完備金融調(diào)控權(quán)約束機(jī)制能有效防止金融調(diào)控權(quán)的濫用、防止腐敗的發(fā)生。金融調(diào)控權(quán)的約束主要有以法律制約金融調(diào)控權(quán)、以道德制約金融調(diào)控權(quán)、以權(quán)力制約金融調(diào)控權(quán)和以權(quán)利制約金融調(diào)控權(quán)四個(gè)約束機(jī)制,這四種約束機(jī)制能夠更好地起到探求金融調(diào)控權(quán)的構(gòu)造和邊界的作用,它們之間不是相互孤立,而是一個(gè)相互補(bǔ)充的整體。
[Abstract]:The people's Bank of China is the central bank of our country and the main body of financial control power in our country. It exercises the financial control power under the leadership of the State Council. With the development of market economy in our country, especially in recent years, financial control power has played an important role in dealing with financial crisis, real estate bubble and inflation. The excessive concentration of financial control power will inevitably lead to abuse of power, corruption and a series of serious social problems. Therefore, it is necessary to bring financial control right into the framework of legal regulation. If we regard power as a kind of freedom, then when we reach a certain boundary, we must measure the order. The result of the balance of freedom and order means that there is the possibility to realize justice, so the financial control power should be restricted. For this reason, the people's Bank of China has given the people's Bank of China the right to control financial affairs, that is, the power to formulate and execute monetary policy. The people's Bank of China has chosen to use various monetary policy instruments to regulate and control the money supply in order to maintain financial stability. Maintain healthy and sustained economic development. However, in the Law of the people's Bank of China, there are few provisions about the negative consequences to the abusing power of the subject of financial regulation and control. As a kind of public power, the right of financial control has a strong social force, and it should be inclined in legislation. This tendency to protect power and less to stipulate the adverse legal consequences which should be borne by the exercise of power also runs counter to the spirit of modern rule of law by restricting the power of the state so as to protect the rights of citizens. This paper will elaborate the construction and boundary of financial control power from four parts: In the first part, from the general theory of financial control power, the paper expounds the structure of financial control power, mainly from the main body, content and characteristics of the financial control power static analysis of the financial control power. The second part is to analyze the origin of financial control power, which shows that financial control power does not always exist, nor does it come into being with the production of money, but the product of commodity economy development to a certain stage. After the end of the second World War, with the dramatic changes in Eastern Europe, the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the new technological revolution, and so on, the world developed towards multipolarization and gradually formed a unified market. The development of the theory of financial control power should be adjusted with the change of economic base. The third part analyzes the operation of the financial control power from the dynamic point of view. The operation of the financial control power is a process from the monetary policy target formulation, the monetary policy formulation and the implementation. In order to establish and maintain the policy operation of the financial control power, we must use the law to restrict the financial control power from the procedure, and control the financial control power within the scope permitted by the law. The fourth part is the restriction mechanism of the financial control power, which can effectively prevent the abuse of the financial control power and the occurrence of corruption. The restraint of financial control power mainly includes four restraint mechanisms: restricting financial control power by law, restricting financial control right by morality, restricting financial control right by power and restricting financial control right by right. These four constraint mechanisms can play a better role in exploring the construction and boundary of financial control power. They are not isolated from each other but a complementary whole.


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