

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-22 11:29

  本文選題:房產(chǎn)中介 + 誠信機(jī)制; 參考:《檢察風(fēng)云》2016年10期

[Abstract]:From January 2016 to the eve of the launch of the "Shanghai nine", Shancheng property market sales are unusually hot, real estate agents are increasingly active. Although the "Shanghai nine" after the introduction of the Shancheng property market overheating phenomenon has been curbed, but behind the appearance, but there is a profound crisis. Many dishonest behaviors of real estate agents lead to various cases and disputes. It is urgent to perfect the integrity mechanism of the real estate market, establish the punitive compensation mechanism for major matters, and effectively curb the barbaric growth of the real estate industry.
【作者單位】: 上海市公安局;上海城投公路投資(集團(tuán))有限公司;


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