

發(fā)布時間:2018-04-22 00:05

  本文選題:軌道交通 + 土地利用。 參考:《河北師范大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文

【摘要】:隨著我國社會經(jīng)濟的急劇穩(wěn)步前進(jìn)和城市化進(jìn)程的日益加劇,城市空間布局的演化過程與城市道路交通建設(shè)是分不開的、總是交織在一起。在近代城市成長的過程當(dāng)中,作為城市系統(tǒng)中的一個重要子系統(tǒng),城市軌道交通以其便捷、高效、環(huán)保的特征貫穿于城市發(fā)展過程的每個階段。隨著我國城市化進(jìn)程的高速發(fā)展,道路交通擁堵問題日益嚴(yán)重,而發(fā)展以軌道交通為主要力量的城市公共交通系統(tǒng)是解決城市交通問題的關(guān)鍵所在。據(jù)有關(guān)專家預(yù)測,我國的軌道交通在未來的十年將推動房地產(chǎn)業(yè)快速發(fā)展。城市軌道交通憑借其通達(dá)性及其對站點周邊房地產(chǎn)樓盤的刺激影響,為城市房地產(chǎn)帶來了增值效應(yīng)。因此,軌道交通對城市土地利用影響的研究變得愈來愈舉足輕重。 本文通過分析近年來國內(nèi)外學(xué)者關(guān)于軌道交通研究理論的情況,以軌道交通與城市土地利用的基本相關(guān)理論為依托,以ArcGIS與相關(guān)地統(tǒng)計方法為工具,基于上述條件,選取了北京市地鐵13號線為研究對象,確定了該文章的研究目標(biāo)為軌道交通系統(tǒng)對城市土地利用影響的定量研究。 從軌道交通系統(tǒng)具有的特點出發(fā),借鑒國內(nèi)外學(xué)者的研究經(jīng)驗,對分市場進(jìn)行了大致劃分,初步探討了軌道交通對沿線房地產(chǎn)價格以及土地開發(fā)強度的影響。經(jīng)過初期理論研究表明,,軌道交通的建設(shè)并投入使用對城市土地利用存在積極的影響,加速了軌道交通沿線土地的開發(fā)與利用,提升了軌道交通沿線站點周邊的房地產(chǎn)價格,促進(jìn)了城市空間布局形態(tài)更加合理化。然則,在分市場效應(yīng)的作用下,不同位置上的軌道交通對不同類型房地產(chǎn)價格的影響水平與方式存在差異,即軌道交通對于郊區(qū)物業(yè)價格的增幅要大于中心城區(qū)的物業(yè)。 依據(jù)土地級差地租理論、競租理論以及其他有關(guān)應(yīng)用理論,構(gòu)建軌道交通與沿線樓盤的半對數(shù)特征價格模型,從空間和時間兩個角度對軌道周邊的房地產(chǎn)價格進(jìn)行定量探究,以便于驗證分市場效應(yīng)對軌道交通的作用。因此,選取北京地鐵13號線為研究對象,并根據(jù)房地產(chǎn)價格影響因素選取自變量,分別從房地產(chǎn)價格、土地開發(fā)強度兩個角度進(jìn)行軌道交通對城市土地利用影響的定量性實證研究。 對北京地鐵13號線的實證研究表明,以地鐵13號線站點為圓心,1km為半徑的圓內(nèi),房地產(chǎn)價格要比1km以外高出20%,而這種效應(yīng)的作用在郊區(qū)顯著于中心城區(qū),地鐵13號線對中心城區(qū)的影響微乎其微。從軌道交通對城市土地利用的時間效應(yīng)出發(fā),地鐵13號線建設(shè)初期對沿線的房地產(chǎn)價格影響具有明顯的負(fù)效應(yīng);伴隨著城市交通基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施的日益完善,地鐵13號線的影響變成正效應(yīng);地鐵13號線在投入運營兩年后對郊區(qū)房地產(chǎn)價格的影響逐漸減弱、不再具有明顯經(jīng)濟效益。軌道交通對城市土地開發(fā)強度的影響體現(xiàn)在如下兩方面:一方面,地鐵13號線刺激了土地利用向北部郊區(qū)擴展開發(fā)的格局;另一方面,地鐵13號線部分位于郊區(qū)的站點,其周邊的房地產(chǎn)容積率呈現(xiàn)明顯的圈層結(jié)構(gòu)。 本論文雖然是以北京作為具體實證對象,但研究的成果理論對眾多軌道交通發(fā)達(dá)的城市來說都具有很強的普適性。作為城市路網(wǎng)體系中的一個重要組成部分,城市軌道交通完成了大規(guī)模人流、物流的互換和傳遞,改進(jìn)了路網(wǎng)的通達(dá)性,使得居民出行變得越來越便利,減緩了城區(qū)巨大的人口壓力,能夠促進(jìn)社會經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展,提高城市的繁榮。對城市軌道交通與土地利用進(jìn)行科學(xué)合理的統(tǒng)一規(guī)劃,能夠使城市空間優(yōu)化布局,提高土地利用率,使軌道交通對沿線房地產(chǎn)價格帶來的升值空間產(chǎn)生的經(jīng)濟效益轉(zhuǎn)化為軌道交通建設(shè)過程中的投入成本,以此提升城市規(guī)模,實現(xiàn)土地利用與軌道交通的和諧發(fā)展。
[Abstract]:With the rapid and steady progress of China's social economy and the intensification of urbanization, the evolution process of urban spatial layout is inseparable from urban road traffic construction, and always intertwined. In the process of modern urban growth, as a key subsystem in the urban system, urban rail transit is convenient and efficient. The characteristics of environmental protection run through every stage of the process of urban development. With the rapid development of the process of urbanization in China, the problem of road traffic congestion is becoming more and more serious, and the key to solve urban traffic problems is to develop urban public transportation system with the main force of rail traffic. According to the experts, it is predicted that China's rail traffic is in the future. The ten years will promote the rapid development of the real estate industry. Urban rail transit has brought value-added effect to urban real estate with its accessibility and its impact on the real estate property around the site. Therefore, the research on the impact of rail transit on urban land use has become more and more serious.
Based on the basic related theory of rail traffic and urban land use, this paper, based on the basic related theory of rail traffic and urban land use, takes the ArcGIS and the related statistical methods as the tool, and based on the above conditions, selects the Metro Line 13 of Beijing city as the research object, and determines the research goal of this article. Quantitative study on the impact of road traffic system on urban land use.
On the basis of the characteristics of the rail transit system and using the experience of scholars at home and abroad, the paper roughly divides the sub market and preliminarily discusses the influence of rail transit on the real estate price and the intensity of land development along the line. After the initial theoretical study, it is shown that the construction and use of rail traffic is positive for urban land use. The influence has accelerated the development and utilization of the land along the rail transit, promoted the real estate prices around the rail transit sites, and promoted the more rational layout of the urban space. However, under the effect of the sub market effect, the influence level and way of the rail traffic on different types of real estate prices in different positions The difference is that the growth of rail transit for rural property prices is greater than that of the central urban area.
According to the theory of land differential rent, renting theory and other relevant application theories, the semi logarithmic characteristic price model of rail traffic and real estate along the line is constructed, and the real estate prices around the orbit are quantitatively explored from two angles of space and time, so as to verify the effect of the sub Market effect on the track traffic. Therefore, the Beijing land is selected. The iron 13 line is the research object, and the independent variable is selected according to the influence factors of real estate price, and the quantitative empirical study on the impact of rail traffic on urban land use is carried out from two angles of real estate price and land development intensity.
The empirical study of Beijing Metro Line 13 shows that the real estate price is 20% higher than that of 1km outside the center of the Metro Line 13 station and the 1km is a radius of the circle. The effect of this effect is significant in the suburb of the central city, and the subway line 13 has little influence on the central urban area. Starting, the initial construction of Metro Line 13 has a significant negative effect on the real estate prices along the line. Along with the increasing improvement of urban traffic infrastructure, the influence of Metro Line 13 becomes positive effect, and the subway 13 line has gradually weakened to the suburban real estate price after two years of operation and no longer has obvious economic benefits. The impact of rail transit on the intensity of urban land development is reflected in the following two aspects: on the one hand, Metro Line 13 stimulates the pattern of land use to expand the development of the northern suburb; on the other hand, the Metro Line 13 is located on the outskirts of the suburb, and the real estate volume rate in the surrounding area shows a distinct circle structure.
Although this thesis takes Beijing as a concrete demonstration object, the research results theory has a strong universality for many cities with developed rail transit. As an important part of the urban road network system, the urban rail transit has completed the large-scale flow of people, the exchange and transmission of the material flow, and improved the accessibility of the road network. It makes the residents travel more and more convenient, slow down the huge population pressure in the urban area, can promote the development of the society and economy, and improve the prosperity of the city. The rational and rational unified planning of urban rail transit and land use can make the urban space optimize the layout, improve the land use rate, and make the rail transit to the real estate price along the line. The economic benefit generated by the appreciation space is transformed into the input cost in the course of the construction of the rail transit, so as to improve the scale of the city and realize the harmonious development of the land use and the rail transit.



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