

發(fā)布時間:2018-04-21 14:39

  本文選題:土地供應(yīng)政策 + 土地供應(yīng)量; 參考:《湖南大學(xué)》2013年碩士論文

【摘要】:近些年,我國的城鎮(zhèn)化進(jìn)程急劇加快,相應(yīng)地,城市規(guī)模就不斷擴(kuò)張,而城市規(guī)模的無限擴(kuò)張會導(dǎo)致城市外圍耕地資源減少,人地矛盾加劇、城市內(nèi)圍土地利用率低下兩個方面問題的出現(xiàn)。從而引起用地規(guī)模的盲目擴(kuò)張與閑置土地大量存在并存的局面,就造成了土地資源的極大浪費(fèi)。 在上述問題急速加劇的情況下,土地供應(yīng)政策被提上了日程。在我國,土地供應(yīng)政策主要是通過對土地供應(yīng)數(shù)量、土地供應(yīng)結(jié)構(gòu)、閑置土地以及土地出讓制度等方面的調(diào)控來實現(xiàn)整個土地市場平穩(wěn)發(fā)展的目的。歷年來,作為中部重要城市的長沙市一直致力于從土地供應(yīng)數(shù)量、土地供應(yīng)結(jié)構(gòu)、閑置土地以及土地出讓制度等方面完善土地供應(yīng)政策,試圖減少土地資源的浪費(fèi)和促進(jìn)土地市場的均衡發(fā)展,但是效果遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)沒有達(dá)到理想狀態(tài);诖,本文從土地供應(yīng)政策所需的基本概念和相關(guān)理論入手,回顧了國家及長沙市的土地供應(yīng)政策的發(fā)展歷程,并結(jié)合長沙市的基本概況和房地產(chǎn)市場現(xiàn)狀利用四象限模型和定性分析著重研究了土地供應(yīng)政策對房地產(chǎn)市場的影響,,之后根據(jù)前面的理論驗證和實證驗證挖掘出長沙市土地供應(yīng)政策存在政策體系協(xié)調(diào)性差,臨時性措施缺乏長效機(jī)制、土地供應(yīng)結(jié)構(gòu)不合理、執(zhí)法不嚴(yán),閑置土地過多、土地出讓制度不健全等問題,最終從長沙市的實際角度出發(fā)提出了可行性建議:應(yīng)編制科學(xué)合理靈活的土地供應(yīng)計劃;改革土地供應(yīng)結(jié)構(gòu),提高中小型普通商品房,棚戶區(qū)改造用房以及保障性住房“三類住房”用地在土地供應(yīng)總量中的比例;清查和處理閑置土地,提高土地利用效率;完善土地出讓制度等。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the process of urbanization in our country has been speeding up rapidly. Accordingly, the scale of cities has been continuously expanding, and the unlimited expansion of urban scale will lead to the decrease of cultivated land resources in the periphery of cities and the intensification of contradictions between people and land. There are two problems in the low utilization rate of urban surrounding land. Thus, the blind expansion of land scale and the existence of a large number of idle land exist side by side, resulting in a great waste of land resources. Land supply policy has been put on the agenda amid a sharp rise in these problems. In China, the land supply policy is mainly through the regulation of the quantity of land supply, the structure of land supply, idle land and land transfer system to achieve the purpose of the smooth development of the whole land market. Over the years, Changsha, as an important city in the central region, has been committed to improving land supply policies in terms of land supply quantity, land supply structure, idle land and land transfer system. This paper attempts to reduce the waste of land resources and promote the balanced development of land market, but the effect is far from ideal. Based on this, this paper starts with the basic concepts and relevant theories of land supply policy, and reviews the development course of land supply policy in China and Changsha. Combined with the basic situation of Changsha and the present situation of real estate market, the paper focuses on the impact of land supply policy on real estate market by using the four-quadrant model and qualitative analysis. Then, according to the previous theoretical verification and empirical verification, it is found that the policy system of Changsha land supply policy is poor, the temporary measures lack long-term mechanism, the land supply structure is unreasonable, the law enforcement is lax, and there is too much idle land. Finally, from the point of view of Changsha City, the feasibility suggestions are put forward: the scientific, reasonable and flexible land supply plan should be drawn up, the land supply structure should be reformed, and the small and medium-sized ordinary commercial housing should be improved. The proportion of "three kinds of housing" land in the total land supply in shantytown transformation and indemnificatory housing; check and deal with the idle land, improve the efficiency of land use; perfect the system of land transfer, etc.


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