

發(fā)布時間:2018-04-17 12:53

  本文選題:員工幫助計劃 + 工作壓力 ; 參考:《天津大學》2014年碩士論文

【摘要】:隨著經(jīng)濟全球化的發(fā)展,社會競爭日益激烈,人們所面臨的各方面的壓力也越來越大。過度、持續(xù)的壓力增加了員工的心理負擔,如果壓力不能及時釋放,久而久之,便會導致嚴重的心理問題,致使員工對企業(yè)的忠誠度和滿意度下降,嚴重影響員工的身心健康,同時也降低了組織績效。 員工幫助計劃(Employee Assistance Programs)作為現(xiàn)代人力資源管理的重要手段已經(jīng)在西方國家的企業(yè)中得到了廣泛的應用。實踐證明,EAP逐漸成為幫助員工解決心理健康問題、改善員工關系、提升組織績效、降低企業(yè)管理風險的有效方法。近年來。EAP也逐漸被國內(nèi)的專家學者所關注,并應用于企業(yè)管理中。 整理文獻資料發(fā)現(xiàn),目前國內(nèi)外對于EAP應用于房地產(chǎn)經(jīng)紀行業(yè)的研究少之有少,而我國房地產(chǎn)經(jīng)紀行業(yè)的發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀以及從業(yè)人員面臨的巨大壓力都要求我們更多關注房地產(chǎn)經(jīng)紀行業(yè)。因此,本文從我國的實際情況出發(fā),以天津A房地產(chǎn)經(jīng)紀公司為研究對象,通過實地訪談調(diào)研,結(jié)合調(diào)查問卷設計理論,從實踐的角度設計了EAP需求調(diào)查問卷,采用分層隨機抽樣的方法,發(fā)放問卷,并收回有效問卷問卷90份。運用SPSS對問卷的信度和效度進行檢驗,將員工對EAP服務的需求情況進行整理分析,得到員工對身心保健、工作項目需求迫切的結(jié)論,,同時提出了企業(yè)分層次滿足員工需求的要求。在此基礎上,本文為天津A公司設計了一套實施EAP服務項目的具體方案。通過做好更新企業(yè)管理者的管理理念,獲取企業(yè)管理層的支持等相應的準備工作,采取需求分析、培育EAP理念、實施教育與培訓、提供心理咨詢、進行效果評估等步驟推動天津A公司EAP服務項目的實施。
[Abstract]:With the development of economic globalization, social competition is becoming more and more fierce.Excessive, continuous pressure increases the psychological burden of employees. If the pressure is not released in time, it will lead to serious psychological problems over time, resulting in a decrease in employee loyalty and satisfaction to the enterprise, which seriously affects the physical and mental health of employees.It also reduces organizational performance.Employee Assistance programs, as an important means of modern human resource management, have been widely used in western enterprises.Practice has proved that EAP has gradually become an effective method to help employees solve mental health problems, improve employee relations, improve organizational performance and reduce the risk of enterprise management.In recent years, EAP has been gradually concerned by domestic experts and scholars, and applied to business management.According to the literature, there are few researches on the application of EAP in real estate brokerage industry at home and abroad.However, the development of real estate brokerage industry in China and the great pressure faced by employees require us to pay more attention to the real estate brokerage industry.Therefore, based on the actual situation of our country, taking Tianjin A Real Estate Brokerage Company as the research object, through field interview and investigation, combined with the questionnaire design theory, this paper designs the EAP demand questionnaire from the perspective of practice.A stratified random sampling method was used to distribute the questionnaires and 90 valid questionnaires were collected.The reliability and validity of the questionnaire were tested by SPSS, and the demand for EAP service was analyzed, and the conclusion was drawn that there was an urgent need for physical and mental health care and work items.At the same time, it puts forward the requirements of meeting the needs of employees in different levels.On this basis, this paper designed a set of implementation of EAP service project for Tianjin A Company.Through updating the management idea of the enterprise manager, obtaining the support of the enterprise management and other corresponding preparatory work, adopting the demand analysis, cultivating the idea of EAP, carrying out education and training, providing psychological consultation, etc.To evaluate the effect and other steps to promote the implementation of Tianjin A EAP service project.


相關期刊論文 前10條

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10 王雁飛;員工援助計劃(EAP)在我國的現(xiàn)狀與前景[J];人才開發(fā);2005年06期




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