

發(fā)布時間:2018-04-17 06:41

  本文選題:智能家居 + 電力線通信; 參考:《浙江大學》2013年碩士論文

【摘要】:信息技術(shù)的發(fā)展、人們生活水平的提高以及席卷中華大地的房地產(chǎn)開發(fā)熱潮,激發(fā)了強烈的智能家居市場需求。本文從家庭電力線路以及家居設備的布局情況出發(fā),提出了一套以電力線通信(PLC)技術(shù)為基礎,由PLC網(wǎng)關、集中控制器、PLC節(jié)點三種模塊組成的智能家居系統(tǒng)解決方案。對內(nèi)能夠?qū)崿F(xiàn)溫濕度等傳感數(shù)據(jù)采集、燈光控制、電器控制等功能,對外能夠通過PLC網(wǎng)關實現(xiàn)Internet遠程訪問。 除完成上述模塊的硬件電路設計外,本文對電力線通信協(xié)議設計進行了重點研究。結(jié)合系統(tǒng)選用的載波芯片M1200E的特點,提出了CSMA/CA協(xié)議與802.1le中的時隙退避思想相結(jié)合的電力線MAC接入?yún)f(xié)議,提高了電力線信道利用率。針對電力線網(wǎng)絡惡劣的通信環(huán)境提出了一種利用Hello肖息改進AODV的備份路由協(xié)議——AODV-IB,該協(xié)議使得節(jié)點能同時維護主路由與備份路由,并在主鏈路斷裂時可以“零延時”的啟用備份路由進行快速恢復。通過搭建的基于電力線通信網(wǎng)絡的測試平臺,對相關協(xié)議測試后,證明AODV-IB在減少延時、提高數(shù)據(jù)包投遞率方面改進效果顯著,更加適合在電力線通信網(wǎng)絡中使用。同時,本文還對PLC節(jié)點自組網(wǎng)、WEB服務器搭建等工作進行了介紹。
[Abstract]:With the development of information technology, the improvement of people's living standard and the upsurge of real estate development sweeping across China, the strong demand of smart home market has been aroused.Based on the layout of home power line and home equipment, this paper presents a solution of intelligent home system based on power line communication (PLC) technology, which consists of three modules: PLC gateway and centralized controller.The functions of temperature and humidity sensing data acquisition, lighting control, electrical control and so on can be realized internally, and Internet remote access can be realized through PLC gateway.In addition to the hardware circuit design of the above modules, this paper focuses on the design of power line communication protocol.Considering the characteristics of the carrier chip M1200E, a power line MAC access protocol based on CSMA/CA protocol and time-slot Backoff in 802.1le is proposed, which improves the power line channel utilization ratio.A backup routing protocol (AODV-IBS), which uses Hello information to improve the backup routing of AODV, is proposed for the poor communication environment of power line network. This protocol enables nodes to maintain both primary and backup routes simultaneously.And when the main link breaks, the "zero-delay" backup route can be enabled for fast recovery.Through the test platform based on the power line communication network, it is proved that AODV-IB can reduce the delay and improve the packet delivery rate, which is more suitable for use in the power line communication network.At the same time, this paper also introduces the construction of Web server for PLC nodes.


相關期刊論文 前3條

1 陳曉曙,李霞;一種高效的Ad Hoc網(wǎng)絡AODV改進路由協(xié)議[J];東南大學學報(自然科學版);2003年02期

2 彭海清,馮濤,童登金;家庭網(wǎng)絡的關鍵技術(shù)、業(yè)務及標準化[J];電信科學;2004年11期

3 侯海濤;國內(nèi)外智能家居發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀[J];建材發(fā)展導向;2004年05期

相關碩士學位論文 前4條

1 黃德健;低壓電力載波網(wǎng)絡MAC協(xié)議的研究[D];中國石油大學;2011年

2 宋倩;基于電力線通信技術(shù)的智能家居系統(tǒng)的設計與開發(fā)[D];中國電力科學研究院;2003年

3 賈飛;基于無線傳感器網(wǎng)絡技術(shù)的智能家居系統(tǒng)的設計與實現(xiàn)[D];太原理工大學;2008年

4 馮承金;基于Zigbee和ARM9的智能家居系統(tǒng)的研究與設計[D];武漢理工大學;2010年





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