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發(fā)布時間:2018-12-15 04:58
【摘要】:隨著我國社會經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展,衛(wèi)生保健事業(yè)取得了很大的進步,同時,醫(yī)療費用的上漲也成為了影響民生保障的一個問題,怎樣控制醫(yī)療費用的不合理增長成為我國亟待解決的重要問題。本文將醫(yī)保支付制度改革作為研究內(nèi)容,以上海市為例具體研究。本文主要采取文獻研究和定性分析、定量分析結(jié)合的方法。對上海市醫(yī)療保險支付制度進行了較為系統(tǒng)和深入的研究。理論分析部分主要對5種醫(yī)保支付方式的概念和利弊進行了分析和對比,考慮到上海市的醫(yī)保支付制度以總額預(yù)付制為主線,特地對總額預(yù)付制背后的經(jīng)濟學(xué)理論、國際經(jīng)驗、我國實施情況作了詳細分析,F(xiàn)狀分析部分先對上海市近年來的醫(yī)保支付制度改革歷程作了回顧,在了解了來龍去脈之后總結(jié)出上海市在醫(yī)保支付制度改革中的特色,并對當(dāng)前醫(yī)保支付制度的構(gòu)成以及工作中的難點進行了分析。實證分析部分,本文結(jié)合從統(tǒng)計年鑒中搜集的數(shù)據(jù)和大量的參考文獻,從3個角度進行實證研究,首先從收入、支出、結(jié)余三個角度分析醫(yī);鸬倪\營狀況,得出目前醫(yī);疬\營狀況良好的結(jié)論,接著通過一家三級醫(yī)院的數(shù)據(jù)剖析醫(yī)保支付制度改革對于醫(yī)院的醫(yī)療行為的影響,得出總額預(yù)付制改革以來醫(yī)院的醫(yī)療費用控制情況和費用結(jié)構(gòu)優(yōu)化情況均得到好轉(zhuǎn)。最后構(gòu)建了上海市醫(yī)療費用的實證模型,通過EVIEWS 7.0軟件對數(shù)據(jù)進行處理,得到了影響上海市醫(yī)療費用因素的模型,其中經(jīng)濟增長和人口老齡化與醫(yī)療費用保持同向變化,而上海市2002年以來的醫(yī)保支付制度改革也被實證檢驗證明取得了顯著的作用。通過以上分析,本文得出結(jié)論,上海市醫(yī)保支付制度的改革取得了一定成效。不過背后存在的一些問題我們也不能忽視,包括醫(yī)保預(yù)算費用的測算還有改進空間,對于醫(yī)院分解醫(yī)保指標(biāo)、推諉病人等現(xiàn)象還需要更多的監(jiān)控措施。
[Abstract]:With the development of social economy in our country, great progress has been made in the cause of health care. At the same time, the rise in medical expenses has also become a problem affecting the livelihood of the people. How to control the unreasonable growth of medical expenses has become an important problem to be solved. This paper takes the reform of Medicare payment system as the research content, taking Shanghai as an example. This article mainly adopts the literature research and the qualitative analysis, the quantitative analysis unifies the method. The system of medical insurance payment in Shanghai is studied systematically and deeply. The theoretical analysis part mainly analyzes and compares the concepts, advantages and disadvantages of five kinds of medical insurance payment methods, considering that Shanghai's medical insurance payment system takes the total prepaid system as the main line, especially the economic theory and international experience behind the total prepaid system. The implementation situation of our country is analyzed in detail. In the part of current situation analysis, the author reviews the history of medical insurance payment system reform in Shanghai in recent years, and summarizes the characteristics of Shanghai medical insurance payment system reform. At the same time, the composition of the current medical insurance payment system and the difficulties in the work are analyzed. In the part of empirical analysis, this paper combines the data collected from the statistical yearbook and a large number of references to carry out empirical research from three angles. Firstly, it analyzes the operating status of the medical insurance fund from the three angles of income, expenditure and balance. Draw the conclusion that the current health insurance fund is in good condition, and then analyze the impact of the reform of the medical insurance payment system on the medical behavior of the hospital through the data of a tertiary hospital. It is concluded that the control of medical expenses and the optimization of cost structure have been improved since the reform of total advance system. Finally, the empirical model of Shanghai medical cost is constructed, and the data are processed by EVIEWS 7.0 software, and the model of influencing factors of Shanghai medical cost is obtained, in which economic growth and population aging keep changing in the same direction with medical cost. The reform of health insurance payment system in Shanghai since 2002 has been proved to be significant by empirical test. Through the above analysis, this paper draws a conclusion that the reform of health insurance payment system in Shanghai has achieved certain results. However, there are some problems that we can not ignore, including the calculation of health care budget costs, there is room for improvement, for hospitals to decompose health insurance indicators, prevarication of patients and other phenomena still need more monitoring measures.


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