

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-12-14 16:18
[Abstract]:Pension insurance as the most important part of the social insurance system, has been highly valued by all countries. In the field of endowment insurance in China, the old-age insurance system for enterprise workers has formed a system that matches the national conditions of China, but the old-age insurance system of the government and institutions still maintains the original national security mode, forming the phenomenon of differential two-track system. Through comparative analysis and literature analysis, this paper studies the current two-track pension insurance system and its reform in China. On the basis of analyzing the present situation and problems, the author synthetically arranges the process of domestic reform and combines the experience of foreign countries. Aiming at the direction and goal of reform, this paper puts forward some concrete countermeasures in the course of reform. It is hoped that this study will be of some reference value to the relevant policy makers of the two-track pension system reform.


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