

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-12-10 19:58
[Abstract]:As one of the "green box" policies to support the development of agriculture, policy-oriented agricultural insurance is an important policy of supporting agriculture and benefiting agriculture and giving financial subsidies to insurance premiums. It is avoiding and dispersing agricultural risks and reducing and compensating agricultural losses. Guarantee farmer income stability and so on to play a "stabilizer" function. The implementation of policy-oriented agricultural insurance is of great significance to the development of Jingbian County from a single economy to a "three-industry inclusive" economy. Jingbian County is a typical resource-based economy with a single economic structure and a weak agricultural production base. In recent years, various kinds of extreme disaster weather, agricultural production natural risks significantly increased. Vigorously developing policy-oriented agricultural insurance will ensure the stability and safety of agricultural production, enhance the market competitiveness of agricultural products, realize the sustained increase of farmers' income, and promote the healthy and sustainable development of rural economy in Jingbian County. Based on the analysis of the present situation of policy agricultural insurance in Jingbian County, this paper finds out the main problems in the process of development, and then draws lessons from the typical development model and successful experience of policy agricultural insurance at home and abroad. Looking for the development mode of policy-oriented agricultural insurance with Jingbian characteristics, and putting forward the countermeasures and suggestions to perfect the policy-oriented agricultural insurance in Jingbian County, so as to perfect the policy-oriented agricultural insurance system, develop modern agriculture, and enhance the competitiveness of agricultural products in Jingbian County. The realization farmer increases the income and so on aspect provides the reference. In addition, also for similar resource-based counties or regions to develop policy-based agricultural insurance work to provide reference. There are six chapters in this paper. The first chapter describes the research background, purpose, significance, domestic and foreign research review, research methods and technical routes. The second chapter mainly introduces the concept and characteristics of agricultural insurance, the concept and function of policy-oriented agricultural insurance, and expounds the related theories of policy-oriented agricultural insurance. The third chapter analyzes the present situation of policy agricultural insurance in Jingbian County. The fourth chapter analyzes the main problems in the development of policy agricultural insurance in Jingbian County. Chapter five introduces the typical development model and successful experience of policy agricultural insurance at home and abroad. The sixth chapter draws lessons from the successful experience of policy agricultural insurance at home and abroad, and puts forward operable countermeasures and suggestions to the main problems in the development of policy agricultural insurance in Jingbian County.


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