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發(fā)布時間:2018-09-04 07:51
【摘要】:壽險公司通過挖掘潛在顧客對風(fēng)險轉(zhuǎn)嫁的需求,以人身險這一特殊的商品為客體,運(yùn)用各種手段策劃、組織、和實現(xiàn)人身險產(chǎn)品的銷售,將人身險產(chǎn)品提供給消費(fèi)者,同時滿足消費(fèi)者轉(zhuǎn)嫁風(fēng)險的需求以及壽險公司實現(xiàn)長遠(yuǎn)經(jīng)營的需求。這一過程即為壽險營銷。 如今,中國壽險業(yè)的發(fā)展面臨著一系列轉(zhuǎn)變。經(jīng)營方式由粗放轉(zhuǎn)向精細(xì)化,銷售方式由傳統(tǒng)化轉(zhuǎn)向?qū)I(yè)化,專注點(diǎn)由產(chǎn)品轉(zhuǎn)向客戶。這一系列的轉(zhuǎn)變和變化,對于整個中國壽險業(yè)未來發(fā)展起著重要的起承轉(zhuǎn)合作用。 1992年,個人代理人制度由美國友邦引入中國,宣告了我國壽險業(yè)的蓬勃開始,也是我國個人壽險營銷制度的真正起步。在很長的一段時間里,個人壽險營銷機(jī)制作為壽險營銷的主要方法,為我國壽險業(yè)務(wù)的擴(kuò)大以及壽險公司的盈利做出了重要的貢獻(xiàn)。但時至今日,個人代理人制度已不復(fù)往日榮光,先進(jìn)靈活、代理人收入高的特質(zhì)逐漸淡化,取而代之的是一個面臨著全面挑戰(zhàn)的局面,營銷隊伍整體素質(zhì)下滑、隊伍發(fā)展阻滯、增員難、留存低、銷售誤導(dǎo)等形式的服務(wù)水平的下降都是目前個人代理人制度持續(xù)良性發(fā)展的障礙和壁壘。然而無論是從保險業(yè)的發(fā)展歷程或者是保險商品的特殊性要求來看,個人代理人制度還將長期存在下去。在新的形勢下,外有異業(yè)的激烈競爭,內(nèi)有保險行業(yè)經(jīng)營水平本身的不足與限制,若要繼續(xù)保持壽險業(yè)的持續(xù)健康穩(wěn)定發(fā)展,壽險個人代理人制度的改革與完善勢在必行。個人代理人制度作為保險公司營銷體制中最要的組成部分,在未來一段時間內(nèi)也依然將是壽險營銷的主要模式之一,其制度是否完善,小到影響一家壽險公司的經(jīng)營結(jié)果,大到關(guān)系整個壽險行業(yè)發(fā)展的前途。 本文基于這樣的目的,從我國壽險市場出發(fā),描述目前我國壽險公司壽險個人代理營銷模式的經(jīng)營現(xiàn)狀,指出壽險個人代理人制度存在的一系列問題,主要是營銷隊伍整體素質(zhì)不高、增員困難、留存率低、代理人短期行為嚴(yán)重,并對這些問題的產(chǎn)生進(jìn)行分析,提出壽險營銷方式創(chuàng)新的意義以及一系列完善個人代理人制度的建議。 本文的主要結(jié)構(gòu)如下:第一章是導(dǎo)言。這一章主要陳述了選題的背景與意義、文獻(xiàn)綜述及評述、研究框架、本文的主要觀點(diǎn)與不足;第二章是壽險個人代理營銷模式的理論分析。本章描述了個人代理營銷模式的定義及其特點(diǎn)、闡述了有效的個人代理營銷模式的構(gòu)成要素應(yīng)包含高素質(zhì)的營銷隊伍、高成長性的行業(yè)背景以及有效的激勵機(jī)制;第三章是我國壽險個人代理營銷模式的實證分析。本章在肯定了我國個人代理營銷模式的積極效應(yīng),以及個人代理人作為主導(dǎo)營銷模式的必然性,詳細(xì)闡述了我國壽險個人代理營銷模式的現(xiàn)狀,指出了個人代理營銷模式存在的問題,并深入分析了問題產(chǎn)生的原因。第四章是完善壽險個人代理營銷模式的建議。
[Abstract]:Life insurance companies use various means to plan, organize, and realize the sale of life insurance products by tapping the demand of potential customers for risk transfer, taking life insurance as the object of this special commodity, and providing life insurance products to consumers. At the same time to meet the needs of consumers to transfer risk and life insurance companies to achieve long-term business needs. This process is life insurance marketing. Now, the development of China's life insurance industry is facing a series of changes. Business style from extensive to refined, sales from traditional to professional, focus from products to customers. This series of changes and changes play an important role in the future development of the whole life insurance industry in China. In 1992, the personal agent system was introduced into China by American friends, which declared the flourishing of life insurance industry in China. Also is our country individual life insurance marketing system the real start. For a long time, the personal life insurance marketing mechanism, as the main method of life insurance marketing, has made important contributions to the expansion of life insurance business and the profit of life insurance companies in our country. But today, the individual agent system has lost its past glory, advanced and flexible, and the characteristics of high agent income are gradually desalinated, replaced by a situation that faces a comprehensive challenge. The overall quality of the marketing team has declined, and the development of the team has been blocked. The decline of service level, such as difficult to increase staff, low retention and misleading sales, is an obstacle and barrier to the sustained and benign development of personal agent system. However, no matter from the development of insurance industry or the particularity of insurance commodities, the system of individual agent will continue to exist for a long time. Under the new situation, there is fierce competition outside the insurance industry and the shortage and restriction of the management level of the insurance industry itself. If we want to maintain the sustained and healthy development of the life insurance industry, it is imperative to reform and perfect the personal agent system of the life insurance industry. As the most important part of the insurance company's marketing system, the personal agent system will still be one of the main modes of life insurance marketing in the future. Whether its system is perfect or not, it is small enough to affect the operating results of a life insurance company. Big to the whole life insurance industry development prospects. Based on this purpose, this paper describes the current situation of personal agent marketing mode of life insurance companies in our country, and points out a series of problems in the system of personal agents of life insurance. The main reasons are that the overall quality of the marketing team is not high, the increase in staff is difficult, the retention rate is low, the short-term behavior of the agent is serious, and the emergence of these problems is analyzed. Put forward the significance of life insurance marketing innovation and a series of suggestions to improve the personal agent system. The main structure of this paper is as follows: the first chapter is the introduction. This chapter mainly describes the background and significance of the topic, literature review and comments, research framework, the main views and shortcomings of this paper; the second chapter is the theoretical analysis of personal agent marketing model of life insurance. This chapter describes the definition and characteristics of the personal agent marketing model, and expounds that the constituent elements of an effective personal agency marketing model should include a high-quality marketing team, a high growth industry background and an effective incentive mechanism. The third chapter is the empirical analysis of personal agent marketing model of life insurance in China. This chapter affirms the positive effect of personal agent marketing model and the inevitability of individual agent as leading marketing mode, and elaborates the current situation of personal agent marketing model in China. This paper points out the problems existing in the personal agent marketing model, and analyzes the causes of the problems in depth. The fourth chapter is the suggestion of perfecting the personal agent marketing mode of life insurance.


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