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發(fā)布時間:2018-09-03 18:04
【摘要】:天安財產(chǎn)保險股份有限公司是中國首家按照現(xiàn)代企業(yè)制度和國際標(biāo)準(zhǔn)組建的股份制商業(yè)保險公司,2013年全國財險市場份額排名第十位。隨著社會經(jīng)濟(jì)的發(fā)展,保險業(yè)穩(wěn)定經(jīng)濟(jì)運(yùn)行,促進(jìn)和諧社會健康發(fā)展的作用已被各級社會所重視,為保險業(yè)的發(fā)展提供了歷史機(jī)遇。同時保險主體越來越多,保險客戶資源搶奪激烈、經(jīng)營粗放、以價格為主要競爭手段,經(jīng)營利潤不容樂觀。因此對保險營銷渠道進(jìn)行分析優(yōu)化,提高企業(yè)核心競爭力,渠道之爭成為保險公司競爭的焦點。 本文運(yùn)用市場營銷和管理學(xué)理論知識,通過借鑒國內(nèi)外保險營銷渠道發(fā)展的先進(jìn)經(jīng)驗,對天安財險目前的營銷渠道現(xiàn)狀進(jìn)行了全面的分析,闡述了各渠道的利弊特點和其存在的問題。同時對天安財險所處營銷環(huán)境分別從宏觀環(huán)境、行業(yè)環(huán)境進(jìn)行了細(xì)致剖析和探討,對目標(biāo)市場進(jìn)行了細(xì)分、選擇,確定目標(biāo)營銷市場。在此基礎(chǔ)上,對營銷渠道發(fā)展提出了重構(gòu)策略,全面架構(gòu)天安財險營銷渠道體系。 全文共分七章。第一章緒論,主要介紹了研究的背景、意義、內(nèi)容、方法及思路等。第二章是介紹了保險營銷渠道的基本概念。第三章在對我國保險營銷渠道的發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀進(jìn)行分析的基礎(chǔ)上,結(jié)合美國、英國、日本為代表的發(fā)達(dá)國家和我國港澳臺地區(qū)保險營銷渠道的研究,提出對我國保險營銷渠道發(fā)展借鑒作用。第四章是對天安財險各保險營銷渠道現(xiàn)狀的研究,通過分析雇員直銷、個人代理、專業(yè)中介、兼業(yè)代理、新興渠道等各個渠道的現(xiàn)狀,總結(jié)渠道發(fā)展中出現(xiàn)的問題,并對其產(chǎn)生的原因進(jìn)行分析。第五章從天安財險營銷渠道所處的宏觀環(huán)境和市場競爭狀況進(jìn)行分析,對險目標(biāo)市場進(jìn)行細(xì)分、選擇和定位。第六章指出天安財險營銷渠道的重構(gòu)策略及保障措施。第七章結(jié)論,對本文的主要結(jié)論進(jìn)行總結(jié)。
[Abstract]:Tianan property Insurance Co., Ltd. is the first joint-stock commercial insurance company established in accordance with modern enterprise system and international standards in China, ranking 10th in the national property insurance market share in 2013. With the development of social economy, the role of the insurance industry in stabilizing the economic operation and promoting the healthy development of the harmonious society has been attached importance to by all levels of society, which provides a historical opportunity for the development of the insurance industry. At the same time, more and more insurance main body, insurance customer resources grabs the intense, the management is extensive, takes the price as the main competition means, the operating profit is not optimistic. Therefore, the analysis and optimization of insurance marketing channels to improve the core competitiveness of enterprises, channel competition has become the focus of competition of insurance companies. Based on the theoretical knowledge of marketing and management, this paper makes a comprehensive analysis of the current situation of Tianan property insurance marketing channel by referring to the advanced experience of the development of insurance marketing channels at home and abroad. This paper expounds the advantages and disadvantages of each channel and its existing problems. At the same time, the marketing environment of Tianan property insurance is analyzed and discussed from the macro environment and industry environment respectively, and the target market is subdivided, selected, and the target marketing market is determined. On this basis, the paper puts forward the reconstruction strategy for the development of the marketing channel, and sets up the Tianan property insurance marketing channel system in an all-round way. The full text is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter introduces the background, significance, content, methods and ideas of the research. The second chapter introduces the basic concept of insurance marketing channel. The third chapter is based on the analysis of the current situation of the development of insurance marketing channels in China, combined with the United States, Britain, Japan as the representative of the developed countries and China's Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan area insurance marketing channels research. Put forward to our country insurance marketing channel development use for reference. The fourth chapter is to the Tianan property insurance each insurance marketing channel present situation research, through the analysis employee direct sale, the personal agent, the specialized intermediary, the concurrent-business agent, the emerging channel and so on each channel present situation, summarizes the channel development in the question, And the causes of its occurrence are analyzed. The fifth chapter analyzes the macro environment and market competition of Tianan property insurance marketing channel, and subdivides, selects and locates the target market. The sixth chapter points out the reconstruction strategy and safeguard measures of Tianan property insurance marketing channel. Chapter seven concludes the main conclusions of this paper.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前4條

1 李瓊,蘇恒軒;論保險的整合營銷渠道[J];保險研究;2002年06期

2 楊爽;;我國中小財產(chǎn)保險公司經(jīng)營戰(zhàn)略的研究——基于波特競爭理論的視角[J];南方金融;2012年02期

3 陳t熭,




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