

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-26 05:16

  本文選題:醫(yī)療保險(xiǎn) + 付費(fèi)方式改革; 參考:《內(nèi)蒙古大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The basic problem of medical insurance is that the demand for medical insurance funds by medical insurance providers is increasing indefinitely. In order to meet patients' medical needs, increase costs and benefit income, medical insurance payers should have limited medical insurance funds. To meet the requirements of the service side, can not reduce the service requirements for patients. As a means of medical insurance management, payment method is a key policy to balance the interests of insured personnel and medical institutions, is to regulate the economic leverage of medical service behavior, and to improve the allocation and use of medical insurance funds. It is an important fulcrum to realize the sustainable development of medical insurance system to make patients enjoy medical insurance service and reflect the positive role of government governance. It is also the natural mission of medical insurance management organization. This study firstly introduces the concept and necessity of medical insurance payment mode and reform, the reform process of Wuhai medical insurance payment system and the analysis of the existing problems. The countermeasures and suggestions to promote the reform of medical insurance payment mode in Wuhai City mainly include strengthening the relationship between the government leading and the departments, perfecting the payment mode of the administrative management, strengthening the mechanism construction of the reform of the payment mode, and strengthening the fund budget management. Strengthen the agreement management, give play to the basic supporting role of the information system construction and so on. Different payment methods will lead to different medical service behavior, no payment is omnipotent, in the choice of the advantages of a payment method, but also to face the drawbacks of this way of payment. Medical insurance administrators should fully understand the characteristics of various payment methods, foresee the possible consequences, and take appropriate targeted management measures. Only in order to give full play to the positive role of paying way to guide medical service behavior and control medical expenses, to avoid or mitigate the adverse effects. In order to ensure strict management, such as agreement management, medical care physician management, medical monitoring management and other measures combined to form a system engineering, to meet the requirements of health insurance fund income and expenditure balance.


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