
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 經(jīng)濟(jì)論文 > 保險論文 >


發(fā)布時間:2018-05-25 23:46

  本文選題:四川平安保險公司 + 機動車保險; 參考:《西南交通大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:It is not difficult to draw a conclusion from the present situation of insurance market in China that auto insurance accounts for a high proportion in Chinese insurance companies. This is particularly evident in small and medium-sized companies. Because the automobile insurance belongs to the management type, the risk control of the motor vehicle insurance is directly related to the operation benefit of the vehicle insurance, and even affects the profit condition of the insurance company and the survival and sustainable development in the insurance market. In this paper, the risk identification and response of motor vehicle insurance management as the research theme, through the identification, analysis and coping strategy of the risk of vehicle insurance management of Ping an Insurance Company in Sichuan Province, explore its risk types. The extent of the impact and how to prevent the damage caused by the risk. The specific contents are as follows: first, this paper describes the research background and significance of the paper, and through the relevant literature at home and abroad are summarized, based on which the research content and ideas are put forward. Then, the development status of motor vehicle insurance in Sichuan Ping an Company is analyzed, which provides an evaluation index for the risk analysis of motor vehicle insurance business in Sichuan Ping an Company. Secondly, the fuzzy hierarchy method is applied to quantitatively evaluate the risk factors of Sichuan Ping an Company's motor vehicle insurance, and the weight of the existing risk factors of vehicle insurance management to the operation of the company is obtained. And the company's current risk management level. Finally, according to the results obtained from the analysis of the risk factors of Sichuan Ping an Company's motor vehicle insurance, the corresponding risk management measures and suggestions are put forward to ensure the effective operation of the project.


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