

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-25 01:46

  本文選題:商業(yè)養(yǎng)老保險 + 基本生活水平; 參考:《財會月刊》2013年25期

[Abstract]:Recently, many netizens have been spurred by rumors of "delayed retirement" or "two-track system" to say "no longer pay social insurance premiums" and offered to "retire" and bravely propose to save their own money for the aged. In response, Tang Jun, a researcher at the Center for Social Policy Research at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that it has become a social consensus that deposit rates are not as good as CPI, and that saving for the aged is not going to work for most people. " What social insurance guarantees is basic standard of living, namely, when receive, want to carry on adjustment according to the basic standard of living at that time. The pension of the enterprise worker has carried on the adjustment for 8 consecutive years is an example. Although everyone is still not satisfied with the adjusted standards, but after all has been adjusted. So a reasonable plan is to start with social insurance, which is guaranteed, and then Yu Li to buy commercial insurance, which is an added bonus. " At present, our country implements the social basic endowment insurance, the enterprise supplementary old-age insurance (that is, the enterprise annuity) and the commercial endowment insurance combine with the multi-level old-age security system, but faces the social insurance "the extensive coverage," Low security "status quo, more and more people began to pay attention to commercial endowment insurance." Experts point out that it is similar to other investment tools


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