

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-24 17:34

  本文選題:養(yǎng)老金 + 養(yǎng)老金替代率 ; 參考:《內(nèi)蒙古財經(jīng)大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The replacement rate of pension is an important part of the pension insurance system of a country or a region, and is an important reference index to measure the pension security level of retirees. Pension replacement rate is generally defined as the ratio of pension to a different definition of wage income. The replacement rate of pension for urban workers in China went through ten consecutive adjustments between 2005 and 2014. However, due to the design of the pension system itself, the aging population, the low degree of maintaining and increasing the value of pensions, and so on, However, the pension replacement rate of urban workers in China has shown a declining trend. The decline of the pension replacement rate makes the quality of life of the retired workers decline, at the same time increases the trust crisis of the pension system, weakens the redistribution function of the pension system, and is not conducive to the realization of intergenerational equity. This paper begins with the calculation of the ten years' data of per capita pension income and social average wage from 2005 to 2014, analyzes the evolvement trend of the pension replacement rate of urban workers, and draws the result that the pension replacement rate is declining continuously. And the possible impact of a decline in pension replacement rates. Then the reasons for the decline of pension replacement rate are analyzed from three angles: the design of pension system itself, the aging population and the low degree of maintaining and increasing the value of pension. From the angle of pension system design, this paper analyzes its influence on the replacement rate of pension from four aspects: the base of payment, the years of contribution, the age of retirement and the average social wage. With the deepening of the aging of the population in China, the proportion of the working-age population is declining, the proportion of the elderly population is increasing, and the dependency ratio of the elderly is constantly increasing. This has increased the demand for pensions and reduced the supply of pensions. Reduce the overall pension replacement rate. In addition, the low degree of maintaining and increasing the value of pension is also an important factor affecting the decline of pension replacement rate. Due to the shortage of pension reserves, the operation of "empty account" in personal accounts, the low degree of market-oriented operation and the low rate of return on investment, etc. It is impossible to effectively maintain and increase the value of pension, thus reducing the replacement rate of pension. Based on the factors affecting the decline of the pension replacement rate, this paper puts forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions, emphasizes on adjusting the upper and lower limits of the base of pension payment, prolongs the contributory years, delays retirement, and effectively implements the comprehensive "two-child" policy. Diversification of pension investment channels, strengthening pension supervision and so on, in order to serve as a reference, so as to ease the decline of pension replacement rate, improve the living security level of retired workers.


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