

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-24 05:48

  本文選題:機(jī)動(dòng)車交通事故責(zé)任強(qiáng)制保險(xiǎn) + 經(jīng)營模式; 參考:《首都經(jīng)濟(jì)貿(mào)易大學(xué)》2013年碩士論文

【摘要】:我國自2006年7月1日起開始正式實(shí)施機(jī)動(dòng)車交通事故責(zé)任強(qiáng)制保險(xiǎn)(以下簡稱“交強(qiáng)險(xiǎn)”)制度,但自交強(qiáng)險(xiǎn)經(jīng)營以來,除了2008年實(shí)現(xiàn)經(jīng)營利潤外,其他年度均出現(xiàn)虧損,且虧損幅度呈擴(kuò)大之勢(shì),5年半來累計(jì)虧損已經(jīng)達(dá)到173億元。交強(qiáng)險(xiǎn)經(jīng)營出現(xiàn)虧損是由諸多原因造成的,究其根源,可以說我國交強(qiáng)險(xiǎn)經(jīng)營模式的不合理是一個(gè)重要原因。 目前國際上主流的第三者責(zé)任強(qiáng)制保險(xiǎn)(以下簡稱“強(qiáng)制險(xiǎn)”)經(jīng)營模式主要有三種:第一種是以美國為代表的商業(yè)化運(yùn)作模式,第二種是以臺(tái)灣和日本為代表的國家代辦模式,第三種是以新西蘭為代表的國家專營模式。這三種經(jīng)營模式各有利弊,適用條件也是各不相同。而我國目前的交強(qiáng)險(xiǎn)經(jīng)營模式是介于第一種和第二種之間的一種特殊的經(jīng)營模式,從交強(qiáng)險(xiǎn)在我國誕生之日起便以一種畸形的形態(tài)展現(xiàn)于世人面前,這最終導(dǎo)致了后續(xù)的諸多問題。而如何解決這些問題,,如何為我國選擇一種正確的交強(qiáng)險(xiǎn)經(jīng)營模式,這正是本文將要詳細(xì)介紹的。 本文的內(nèi)容框架主要包括5部分。第一章內(nèi)容是文章的導(dǎo)言部分。主要論述了研究背景、選題意義、研究內(nèi)容和研究方法。從第二章開始至文章結(jié)尾部分是本文的主體內(nèi)容。第二章主要對(duì)國際上幾種主流的強(qiáng)制險(xiǎn)經(jīng)營模式進(jìn)行了剖析與對(duì)比,探討了幾個(gè)典型國家強(qiáng)制險(xiǎn)經(jīng)營的成功經(jīng)驗(yàn),分析了這幾種經(jīng)營模式的優(yōu)略所在,并研究了這幾種經(jīng)營模式各自的適用環(huán)境。第三章主要介紹了我國目前的交強(qiáng)險(xiǎn)經(jīng)營模式,簡要介紹了我國目前交強(qiáng)險(xiǎn)的運(yùn)作情況,分析了我國交強(qiáng)險(xiǎn)經(jīng)營模式的不合理所在。第四章主要提出了改善我國交強(qiáng)險(xiǎn)經(jīng)營模式的政策建議。第五章對(duì)整個(gè)文章結(jié)構(gòu)進(jìn)行一個(gè)總結(jié)。 總之,通過本文,筆者希望能夠?yàn)槲覈粡?qiáng)險(xiǎn)經(jīng)營模式的問題解決方面作出些許貢獻(xiàn)。
[Abstract]:Since July 1, 2006, China has formally implemented the system of compulsory insurance for motor vehicle traffic accident liability (hereinafter referred to as "traffic insurance"), but since the operation of traffic insurance, except for the realization of operating profits in 2008, there have been losses in other years. And the extent of the loss is expanding, the cumulative loss of five and a half years has reached 17.3 billion yuan. The loss of traffic insurance is caused by many reasons. It can be said that the unreasonable operation mode of traffic insurance is an important reason. At present, there are three main business models of compulsory third party liability insurance (hereinafter referred to as "compulsory insurance") in the world: the first is the commercial operation model represented by the United States. The second is the national agency model represented by Taiwan and Japan, and the third is the national monopoly model represented by New Zealand. These three business models have their advantages and disadvantages, and the applicable conditions are different. At present, China's traffic insurance management model is a special business model between the first and the second. From the date of its birth in China, it has been displayed in a deformed form in front of the world. This eventually led to a number of subsequent problems. How to solve these problems and how to choose a correct traffic insurance management model for our country is exactly what this article will introduce in detail. The content frame of this paper mainly includes five parts. The first chapter is the introduction of the article. This paper mainly discusses the research background, the significance of the topic, research content and research methods. From the beginning of the second chapter to the end of the article is the main content of this article. In the second chapter, the author analyzes and compares the several mainstream management modes of compulsory insurance in the world, discusses the successful experiences of several typical countries, and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of these management models. This paper also studies the applicable environment of these business models. The third chapter mainly introduces our country's current traffic insurance management mode, briefly introduces the operation of our country's current traffic insurance, and analyzes the unreasonable place of our country's traffic strong insurance management mode. The fourth chapter mainly puts forward the policy suggestions to improve the management mode of traffic insurance in China. The fifth chapter summarizes the whole structure of the article. In a word, through this paper, I hope to make some contributions to the problem solving of our country's traffic insurance business model.


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2 蘇祖鵬;;海峽兩岸交強(qiáng)險(xiǎn)制度比較研究[J];福建金融;2009年04期

3 鄭鳴哲;;我國交強(qiáng)險(xiǎn)存在的問題和解決方法[J];經(jīng)營管理者;2010年04期

4 于學(xué)毅;;借鑒國外經(jīng)驗(yàn)規(guī)范與完善我國交強(qiáng)險(xiǎn)制度[J];消費(fèi)導(dǎo)刊;2008年11期

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7 曹維洋;;我國交強(qiáng)險(xiǎn)在實(shí)施過程中存在的問題[J];企業(yè)家天地(理論版);2010年05期

8 金鋼;;論“交強(qiáng)險(xiǎn)”制度之完善[J];特區(qū)經(jīng)濟(jì);2010年06期

9 孟生旺;;交強(qiáng)險(xiǎn)的經(jīng)營結(jié)果和費(fèi)率結(jié)構(gòu)分析[J];統(tǒng)計(jì)研究;2008年04期

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2 龐立飛;交強(qiáng)險(xiǎn)若干問題探討[D];山東大學(xué);2011年

3 孫[?甯;我國機(jī)動(dòng)車交通事故責(zé)任強(qiáng)制保險(xiǎn)體系分析與改進(jìn)策略[D];西南交通大學(xué);2009年




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