
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 經(jīng)濟(jì)論文 > 保險論文 >


發(fā)布時間:2018-05-23 21:29

  本文選題:保險公司 + 資金運用; 參考:《財政部財政科學(xué)研究所》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:After the global financial crisis in 2008, the reform of China's financial industry has accelerated, the financial market is becoming more active, the financial products are constantly updated, the financial institutions have been innovating, and the financial institutions have gradually formed the financial institutions with complete functions of banks, securities, funds, insurance, trust and other functions. The modern financial system required by the market economy has greatly promoted the rapid economic growth and the expansion of the scope of employment. It has become one of the most important pillar industries in the national economy. As one of the four major components of the financial market, insurance is very important in its management and stability in maintaining the stability of the financial market. At the end of the year, the assets of the national insurance company have exceeded 10 trillion RMB. The balance of insurance funds has reached 9 trillion and 300 billion yuan, which has increased by 21.39% at the beginning of the year. It can be seen that the use of insurance funds has reached a considerable extent. With the further deepening of financial reform, the risk factors of insurance funds are increasing gradually. One of the main ways to control the use of risk factors is the internal control management mechanism, which can eliminate the risk factors from the internal sources, and the internal control is the most prominent from the principle of cost benefit. The internal control of China's Insurance Industry The rules of the system are mainly based on the internal control rules and regulations for the insurance industry issued by the five ministries and committees of the State Council jointly issued by the State Council on the basic norms of internal control of enterprises in 2010 - < the basic rules for internal control of insurance companies >. The internal control of the insurance company puts forward a lot of specific and realistic requirements. At present, all insurance companies have set up a standard internal control system according to the rules of the CIRC, but because the rules and regulations are not perfect and the release time is short, there is no perfect insurance internal control system in the industry and the execution of internal control. The use of insurance funds is the most important part of the internal control of the insurance company. The use of capital control includes five major control links: asset strategic allocation, asset liability matching, investment decision management, investment transaction management and asset custody control. If it is not appropriate to do well on wind insurance and strengthen internal control, it is not only caused by insurance companies. In this paper, more and more researchers have transferred their research content to the study of the internal control of insurance funds. This paper is on the research topic of the internal control of the insurance company's fund application, with the control theory, the internal control theory and the risk management. The theory is the foundation of the study. Through the analysis of the internal risk status and existing problems of the insurance companies in our country, and drawing on the practice and experience of the internal control of foreign excellent insurance companies, this paper puts forward some suggestions to further improve the internal control of insurance funds in China's Insurance companies. The full text is divided into five Part one: the first part: put forward the background and significance of this study, the domestic and foreign research literature review of the insurance enterprise funds, the research framework and methods, the innovation and the shortcomings of this study. The second part: the theoretical analysis of the internal control of insurance funds in China's Insurance Company. The development process and characteristics of the internal control are extended, and the internal control theory and structure of insurance enterprises are deeply analyzed in the light of the characteristics of the insurance industry. As an important part of the operation of the insurance enterprises, the internal control management is an important part of the internal control system of the insurance enterprise. The main way and frame structure of the control. The third part: the present situation of the development of the internal control of insurance funds in China and the analysis of the outstanding cases. First, it analyzes the present situation of the development of the internal control of the application of the insurance funds in our country, and then combines the theory and practice to find the defects of the internal control of the insurance funds and analyze the reasons. Finally, the successful experience of the internal control of the insurance funds of Ping An Property Insurance Company is studied, and the enlightenment to the internal control of the similar enterprises in China is summarized. The fourth part: the international comparison and Enlightenment of the internal control of insurance funds in China's insurance companies. The internal control of the internal control of the two countries in the United States and Germany is analyzed and the advantages are summarized. This paper introduces the experience and lessons of the application and internal control of the insurance funds of the United States International Insurance Group and the German Anlian insurance group, and summarizes the enlightenment to the improvement of the internal control system for the use of funds in the insurance companies of our country. The fifth part: the countermeasures and suggestions for the internal control of the use of insurance funds. The three principles of internal control system are used to sum up the three countermeasures and suggestions to improve the corporate governance, improve the implementation of internal control of funds and optimize the external environment of internal control, and further improve the internal control system of the insurance company's fund application.


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