

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-23 18:27

  本文選題:新型農(nóng)村醫(yī)療合作 + 現(xiàn)狀; 參考:《山西財(cái)經(jīng)大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文

[Abstract]:As a special medical security system in China, the rural cooperative medical system has been praised by the WHO and the world bank. But after 80s, the economic system of the rural areas has changed. The development of rural cooperative medical care based on the collective economy has met the bottleneck, and the coverage of the rural cooperative medical system has been greatly reduced. Although in 90s, it is "heavy". In view of the current situation, it is urgent to set up a new rural medical security system in order to alleviate the difficulties of the farmers and the difficulties of seeing the disease. Only in this way can the farmers' medical needs be met, the health of the farmers and the coordinated development of rural and city cities are more advanced. Stability and sustainable development. This article is intended to make a preliminary discussion on this problem. Through the elaboration of the research background of the new rural medical cooperation, it is pointed out that it is of great practical significance to improve the medical security system in China. The reader's distinction between the two and the subordinate relationship. The evolution and change of the rural medical security system in China makes us more aware of the necessity and urgency of constructing a new rural medical cooperation system, and through the analysis of the causes and characteristics of the original rural medical security system and the existing rural medical security in China. The present situation of the system is compared with the problems. And on the basis of comprehensive analysis, the paper puts forward how to improve the rural medical cooperation system from different dimensions. Finally, the article points out the concrete ways and methods of building a new rural medical cooperation system, which is also the innovation point of this article. In order to improve the current situation of the rural medical cooperation in China and eliminate the disadvantages of the system, the health service system of the district and the new mode of medical and health financing are set up to improve the rights and interests of the farmers' medical security. In the underdeveloped areas in the rural areas, especially in the poor areas, the cooperative medical model is popularized and finished in order to achieve high efficiency and low local level. To improve the shortage of China's medical cooperation system.


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