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發(fā)布時間:2019-01-15 22:42
【摘要】:高職高專院校思想政治理論課,是對高職高專學(xué)生進行思想政治教育的主渠道、主陣地,是幫助他們樹立正確的世界觀、人生觀和價值觀的重要途徑。本文以當(dāng)代高職高專院校的思想政治教育作為研究對象,探討了高職高專院校思想政治教育存在問題,分析了高職高專院校思想政治教育存在問題的原因,提出了解決高職高專院校思想政治教育存在問題的對策。 首先,論文闡述了高職高專學(xué)生思想政治教育存在的主要問題,這些問題主要表現(xiàn)在:學(xué)生價值取向紊亂、人格發(fā)展缺少、責(zé)任感不強、信仰危機、情感冷漠、人格孤獨、網(wǎng)絡(luò)上癮、道德實踐知行脫節(jié)、人生目標低俗化等。 其次,論文對高職高專學(xué)生思想政治教育存在問題的客觀因素和主觀因素進行了深入分析,其中客觀因素有思想政治教育缺乏時代性,難以支撐道德信念;校園文化功利化簡單化;偏重知識和實踐技能的傳授,忽視思想政治教育工作;思想政治教育方法上過于注重強制性的灌輸;部分教師素質(zhì)不高,影響了思想政治教育的效果;社會不良風(fēng)氣的影響六個方面。主觀因素有思想觀念迷茫,價值觀念扭曲;自身生理心理因素影響;主流意識形態(tài)相對淡化,導(dǎo)致高職高專學(xué)生政治思想弱化三個方面。 最后,,論文提出了改進高職高專學(xué)生思想政治教育的對策,論文從充分發(fā)揮發(fā)揮“兩課”教學(xué)主渠道作用;充分發(fā)揮黨的政治優(yōu)勢和組織優(yōu)勢,做好大學(xué)生思想政治教育工作;積極倡導(dǎo)情感教育;優(yōu)化學(xué)生思想政治教育校園環(huán)境;加強思想政治教育師資隊伍建設(shè)幾個方面進行了論述。
[Abstract]:The course of ideological and political theory in higher vocational colleges is the main channel and position of ideological and political education for the students of higher vocational education. It is also an important way to help them to set up correct world outlook, outlook on life and values. This paper takes the ideological and political education of the contemporary higher vocational colleges as the research object, probes into the existing problems of the ideological and political education in the higher vocational and technical colleges, and analyzes the reasons for the problems in the ideological and political education in the higher vocational and technical colleges. Some countermeasures are put forward to solve the problems in ideological and political education in higher vocational colleges. First of all, the paper expounds the main problems in the ideological and political education of higher vocational college students, which are mainly manifested in: the disorder of students' value orientation, the lack of personality development, the lack of sense of responsibility, the crisis of belief, the apathy of emotion, the loneliness of personality. Internet addiction, the disconnect of moral practice, the vulgarization of life goals, etc. Secondly, the paper deeply analyzes the objective and subjective factors of the ideological and political education of the students in higher vocational colleges, among which the objective factors are lack of the times, so it is difficult to support the moral belief. Campus culture is utilitarian and simplistic; emphasis is placed on imparting knowledge and practical skills and neglecting ideological and political education; ideological and political education methods pay too much attention to mandatory indoctrination; some teachers' quality is not high, which affects the effect of ideological and political education. The influence of bad social atmosphere in six aspects. Subjective factors include confusion of ideology, distortion of values, influence of physical and psychological factors and relative desalination of mainstream ideology, which leads to the weakening of students' political thoughts in higher vocational and technical colleges. Finally, the paper puts forward the countermeasures to improve the ideological and political education of the students in higher vocational and technical colleges, which includes giving full play to the main role of the teaching channels of "two courses", giving full play to the political and organizational advantages of the Party, and doing a good job in ideological and political education of college students. This paper actively advocates emotional education, optimizes the campus environment of students' ideological and political education, and discusses several aspects of strengthening the construction of teachers of ideological and political education.


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2 侯桂蓮;;關(guān)于優(yōu)化大學(xué)生思想政治教育問題[J];前沿;2006年03期

3 嚴喚梅;大學(xué)生思想道德素質(zhì)現(xiàn)狀及對策[J];山西財經(jīng)大學(xué)學(xué)報(高等教育版);2004年04期

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6 陳志勇;加強和改進大學(xué)生思想政治教育的思考[J];政法論叢;2005年02期

7 劉靜萍;;高職院校培養(yǎng)“雙師型”帶頭人的幾點思考[J];內(nèi)蒙古民族大學(xué)學(xué)報;2010年01期

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1 湖南長沙師范高等?茖W(xué)校 王維新;[N];中國教育報;2012年

2 羅成琰;[N];學(xué)習(xí)時報;2004年




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