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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-01-14 13:55
【摘要】:教師培訓(xùn)是我國(guó)教育的重要組成部分,是基礎(chǔ)教育師資來(lái)源和質(zhì)量提高的重要保證。教師應(yīng)該樹(shù)立“活到老,學(xué)到老”的終身教育思想,才能跟上時(shí)代前進(jìn)和知識(shí)發(fā)展的步伐,才能勝任復(fù)雜而又富有創(chuàng)造性的教育工作。教師負(fù)著教書育人的重任,教師在課堂上的最佳表現(xiàn)首先源于自身的教育素養(yǎng)。 教師培訓(xùn),可以學(xué)到很多新知識(shí),使長(zhǎng)時(shí)間處于教學(xué)第一線的教師更新教育理念。作為高校教師,要在教學(xué)、科研與社會(huì)實(shí)踐等各方面不斷地提高和完善自我,才能夠起到提高業(yè)務(wù)素質(zhì)和提升教師品德修養(yǎng)的作用。 淮南作為一個(gè)市級(jí)城市,隨著經(jīng)濟(jì)的不斷發(fā)展,教育也在不斷進(jìn)步,招生人數(shù)不斷增多,學(xué)校規(guī)模的不斷擴(kuò)大,學(xué)生程度的逐漸提高,對(duì)于教師來(lái)說(shuō),也需要盡快的適應(yīng)這些變化,提高自己的各種素質(zhì)。本文試圖通過(guò)對(duì)教師培訓(xùn)情況的調(diào)查,,找出目前淮南地區(qū)教師培訓(xùn)面臨的問(wèn)題,通過(guò)與老師的交流,提出一些解決問(wèn)題的方法,希望得到的結(jié)果可以為本地區(qū)教師培訓(xùn)的完善提供一定的參考。 本論文采用了問(wèn)卷調(diào)查、專家訪談、數(shù)理統(tǒng)計(jì)法、邏輯分析法等多種方式,通過(guò)對(duì)淮南市三所高職院校共44名體育教師的培訓(xùn)情況進(jìn)行的調(diào)查,得到以下結(jié)論: 4.1.1目前,淮南市高職院校體育教師的年齡結(jié)構(gòu)相對(duì)比較合理,教齡基本上都在5-15年之間,男教師人數(shù)明顯多于女教師人數(shù)。 4.1.2教師參加教師培訓(xùn)的主要目的是為了拓寬知識(shí)、了解所教授學(xué)科的前沿動(dòng)態(tài)、掌握新的教育方法和晉升職稱等;脫產(chǎn)培訓(xùn)、半脫產(chǎn)培訓(xùn)和在職培訓(xùn)是淮南市高職院校體育教師參加教師培訓(xùn)的三種主要形式。 4.1.3大部分教師認(rèn)為教師培訓(xùn)內(nèi)容與自身所任教的課程不太一致,對(duì)自身的教育教學(xué)工作的幫助也很有限;教師培訓(xùn)的課程設(shè)置與內(nèi)容安排沒(méi)有針對(duì)性,這與體育教育發(fā)展趨勢(shì)并不十分符合。 4.1.4整體上看來(lái),組織培訓(xùn)機(jī)構(gòu)安排的課程所使用的考核方法過(guò)于傳統(tǒng);成績(jī)考核采用了過(guò)程性評(píng)價(jià)和終結(jié)性評(píng)價(jià)相結(jié)合的方式,以考試和撰寫課程論文和作業(yè)為主。 4.1.5教師參加培訓(xùn)的資金由國(guó)家、學(xué)校、教師三方面共享;但是也有正常的教師培訓(xùn)與教師的教學(xué)安排存在矛盾、部分條件困難的教師培訓(xùn)無(wú)力承擔(dān)經(jīng)費(fèi)、培訓(xùn)效果達(dá)不到預(yù)期目標(biāo)等是影響淮南市高職院校體育教師參加教師培訓(xùn)的主要因素。
[Abstract]:Teacher training is an important part of education in our country and an important guarantee of the source and quality of basic education teachers. Teachers should set up the life-long education thought of "never grow old, learn forever", keep up with the progress of the times and the pace of knowledge development, and be competent for the complicated and creative education work. Teachers bear the important task of teaching and educating people. The best performance of teachers in the classroom comes from their own educational accomplishment. Teacher training, can learn a lot of new knowledge, so that a long time in the front line of teaching teachers to update their educational ideas. As a college teacher, we must constantly improve and perfect ourselves in teaching, scientific research and social practice in order to improve professional quality and teachers' moral cultivation. Huainan as a city-level city, with the continuous development of the economy, education is also making continuous progress, the number of students is increasing, the scale of schools is expanding, and the level of students is gradually improving. For teachers, Also need to adapt to these changes as soon as possible, improve their various qualities. This paper attempts to find out the problems of teacher training in Huainan area by investigating the situation of teacher training, and puts forward some methods to solve the problem through the communication with teachers. Hope that the results can provide some reference for the improvement of teacher training in this area. In this paper, a questionnaire survey, expert interviews, mathematical statistics, logic analysis and other methods are used to investigate the training of 44 PE teachers in three vocational colleges in Huainan. The conclusions are as follows: 4.1.1 at present, the age structure of PE teachers in Huainan vocational colleges is relatively reasonable, the teaching age is basically between 5 and 15 years, and the number of male teachers is obviously more than that of female teachers. 4.1.2 the main purpose of teachers' participation in teacher training is to broaden their knowledge, to understand the frontiers of the subjects taught, to master new educational methods and to promote their titles, etc.; Off-production training, semi-off-job training and on-the-job training are the three main forms for PE teachers to participate in teacher training in Huainan vocational colleges. 4.1.3 most teachers think that the content of teacher training is not consistent with the curriculum they teach, and the help to their teaching work is also very limited. The curriculum and content arrangement of teacher training are not targeted, which is not in line with the development trend of physical education. 4.1.4 on the whole, the assessment methods used in the courses arranged by the organization and training institutions are too traditional, and the assessment of achievement is based on the combination of process evaluation and summative evaluation, and mainly on examination and writing of course papers and homework. 4.1.5 funds for teachers' participation in training are shared by the State, schools and teachers; However, there are also contradictions between normal teacher training and teachers' teaching arrangements. Some of the teachers with difficult conditions cannot afford to pay for the training. The main factors that affect the PE teachers' participation in teacher training in Huainan vocational colleges are that the training effect is not up to the expected goal.


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