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  在任務型語言教學領域,作為任務的重要特征之一,任務復雜度備受研究者關注。近些年來,研究者們開展了大量的實證研究,探索任務復雜度對語言表現(xiàn)的影響。但到目前為止,這類研究主要集中于口語和寫作范疇,較少涉及閱讀等接受性語言技能。同時,很少有研究探索語言焦慮等學習者個體差異對任務復雜度效度的調(diào)節(jié)作用。因此,本研究試圖探索任務復雜度與語言焦慮對高中生英語閱讀理解的影響。本實驗以Robinson(2001a,2007a,2011b,2015)的“認知假說”為理論基礎,以60名高三學生為受試對象,歷時8周。參與者被隨機分配到簡單或復雜任務組,分別接受通過調(diào)節(jié)“-/+推理要求”(+/-reasoning demands)維度的不同閱讀訓練。同時,為了了解受試者的外語閱讀焦慮情況,研究采用《外語閱讀焦慮量表》,按測試結(jié)果,受試者被分為高焦慮組和低焦慮組。研究結(jié)果表明:任務復雜度作為一種閱讀教學處理方式,對高中生的閱讀理解有顯著的積極影響。具體而言,與接受簡單閱讀任務組相比,接受復雜閱讀任務組在閱讀理解方面有更大的提高。此結(jié)果證實了Robinson的認知假說的預測。同時,在完成復雜任務時,參與者確實會感到...

【文章頁數(shù)】:101 頁


List of Abbreviations
Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Background of the Study
    1.2 Objectives of the Study
    1.3 Significance of the Study
    1.4 Organization of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Task Complexity
        2.1.1 The Definition of Task Complexity
        2.1.2 Two Frameworks of Task Complexity
   Skehan’s Limited Attentional Capacity Model
   Robinson’s Cognition Hypothesis
   Evaluation of the Competing Frameworks
        2.1.3 Task Complexity and Task Performance
    2.2 Language Anxiety
        2.2.1 The Nature of Reading Anxiety
        2.2.2 Reading Anxiety and Reading Performance
    2.3 The Relation of Task Complexity and Language Anxiety
Chapter Three Research Methodology
    3.1 Research Questions and Hypotheses
    3.2 Operationalization
        3.2.1 Task Complexity
        3.2.2 Language Anxiety
    3.3 Research Participants
    3.4 Research Instruments
        3.4.1 English Reading Comprehension Questionnaire
        3.4.2 Reading Comprehension Test
        3.4.3 Foreign Language Reading Anxiety Scale
        3.4.4 Affective Variable Questionnaire
    3.5 Research Materials
    3.6 Research Procedures
    3.7 Data Collection and Data Analysis
Chapter Four Results and Discussion
    4.1 Results for the First Research Question
        4.1.1 Descriptive Analysis of Reading Comprehension Scores
        4.1.2 An Analysis of Reading Comprehension Scores between Groups
        4.1.3 Effect of Task Complexity on Reading Comprehension Scores
    4.2 Results for the Second Research Question
        4.2.1 An Analysis of the Foreign Language Reading Anxiety Scale
        4.2.2 An Analysis of Language Anxiety on Reading Comprehension Scores
        4.2.3 The Interactive Effect of Task Complexity and Language Anxiety
    4.3 Affective Perception Results
    4.4 Discussion
        4.4.1 Effect of Task Complexity on Reading Comprehension
        4.4.2 The Interactive Effect of Task Complexity and Language Anxiety
Chapter Five Conclusion
    5.1 Major Findings
    5.2 Theoretical Implications
    5.3 Pedagogical Implications
    5.4 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Research
Appendix A Participants'Profiles
Appendix B English Reading Comprehension Questionnaire
Appendix C Reading Comprehension Pretest
Appendix D Reading Comprehension Posttest
Appendix E Foreign Language Reading Anxiety Scale
Appendix F Affective Variable Questionnaire
Appendix G One Sample of Task Layout
About the Author




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