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發(fā)布時間:2021-03-10 04:10
  英語閱讀過程是各種智能積極參與語言學習活動的過程,受動機、學習風格、學習策略、多元智力等多種因素的影響。其中,多元智能是學習者個體差異中的一個重要變量,對英語閱讀過程及成效起重要作用。無數學者和研究者都致力于研究多元智能,然而,很少學者聚焦于.中職學生多元智能與英語閱讀成績的相關性研究。為了豐富這一研究領域,本文采用問卷調查和訪談的方法,探究中職生多元智能的分布趨勢以及多元智能與英語閱讀成績之間的相關性。主要研究問題如下:1)中職生多元智能分布趨勢如何?(1)中職生多元智能分布的總體情況如何?(2)高、低分組學生之間在多元智能上是否存在差異?如果有,差異主要表現在哪些方面?(3)男、女學生之間在多元智能上是否存在差異?如果有,差異主要表現在哪些方面?2)中職生多元智能與英語閱讀成績之間的相關性如何?(1)中職生多元智能與英語閱讀成績之間的總體相關性如何?(2)九種智能分別與英語閱讀成績之間的相關性如何?本研究采用定量和定性兩種研究方法。定量研究主要包括一份Walter McKenzie的多元智能調查問卷,問卷的總體信度為.936。問卷于2018年3月20日分發(fā)給江蘇省泰興中等專業(yè)學校高... 


【文章頁數】:87 頁


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Overview of the study
    1.2 Need for the study
    1.3 Significance of the study
    1.4 Structure of the thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Key terms and basic concepts
        2.1.1 Definition of Multiple Intelligences
        2.1.2 Classification of Multiple Intelligences
        2.1.3 English Reading
   An overview of English Reading
   English Reading instruction and Multiple Intelligences
    2.2 Theoretical foundations
        2.2.1 Gardner's Multiple Intelligences Theory
        2.2.2 Sternberg's Successful Intelligence Theory
    2.3 Previous studies abroad and at home
        2.3.1 Previous studies about Multiple Intelligences abroad
        2.3.2 Previous studies about Multiple Intelligences at home
Chapter Three Methodology
    3.1 Research questions
    3.2 Research designs
        3.2.1 Quantitative research design
   Data collection and analysis
        3.2.2 Qualitative research design
   Data collection and analysis
Chapter Four Results and Discussion
    4.1 Distribution tendency of Vocational School students' Multiple Intelligences
        4.1.1 The overall distribution
   Results of the overall distribution
   Discussion of the overall distribution
        4.1.2 Differences between low achievers and high achievers in Multiple Intelligences
   Results of the differences between low achievers and high achievers inMultiple Intelligences
   Discussion of the differences between low achievers and high achievers inMultiple Intelligences
        4.1.3 Differences between boy students and girl students in Multiple Intelligences
   Result of differences between boy students and girl students
   Discussion of differences between boy students and girl students
    4.2 The correlation between Vocational School students' Multiple Intelligences and theirEnglish reading performance
        4.2.1 The overall correlation
   Results of the correlation between Total Intelligence and English readingperformance
   Discussion of the conrelation between Total Intelligence and English readingperformance
        4.2.2 The respective correlation between nine types of Multiple Intelligences andEnglish reading performance
   Results of the respective correlation between nine types of MultipleIntelligences and English reading performance
   Discussion of the respective correlation between nine types of MultipleIntelligences and English reading performance
Chapter Five Conclusion
    5.1 Major findings
    5.2 Pedagogical implications
    5.3 Limitations of this study and suggestions for future study
Appendix Ⅰ
Appendix Ⅱ
Appendix Ⅲ




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