
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 教育論文 > 小學(xué)教育論文 >


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-10-20 18:01
[Abstract]:The main inducement of this study is the influence of sports games offered by primary school students under the background of sunshine sports. The purpose of this study is to study the effect of sports game courses on pupils' movement ability. This is very necessary for the implementation of sports game curriculum can effectively improve the pupils' movement ability, let the pupils really appreciate the fun in the process of sports, and learn the spirit of cooperation among groups. Through the teaching of sports game course, this study can understand the performance of pupils' action ability, which is helpful for the school to correctly understand the importance and necessity of offering sports game curriculum. The research methods were quasi experimental method, including 26 students in the experimental group and 25 students in the control group in a primary school (1-3) in Jinan and Tai'an, Shandong Province. The independent variable is the sports game curriculum, the dependent variable is the movement ability. Before the teaching of the course, the MovementABC6-10 years old motor ability test was carried out in the experimental group. After the experimental group carried out the physical education game course twice a week for eight weeks, each time for 30 minutes, the two groups were tested, and the results of the test were converted into scores to match the sample t test. Single factor analysis of variance analysis, the statistical significance is 偽 = .05. The results are as follows: 1. After eight weeks, the scores of the experimental group in the whole movement ability, hand operation flexibility, ball game skills, static, dynamic balance ability reached significant level (p. 05); 2. The posttest results of the experimental group and the control group showed that the whole movement ability, the flexibility of operation of the hand, the static degree of operation, There was significant difference in dynamic balance ability (p. 05), but no significant difference in ball game skill (p. 05), which further showed that the overall movement ability, hand manipulation, mental activity and stillness of primary school students could be significantly improved after the implementation of eight weeks physical education game course, and there was no significant difference in ball game skills (p. 05). dynamic equilibrium


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