

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-17 16:59

  本文選題:小學(xué)語(yǔ)文 + 框架語(yǔ)義學(xué); 參考:《內(nèi)蒙古師范大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Synonym discrimination, as a key and difficult point in the teaching of words, is of great help to students in mastering words. It is an important aspect for learners to understand the differences between synonyms and to master the methods of synonym discrimination. However, from the relevant literature and questionnaire, we know that some teachers will have some problems in teaching synonym discrimination, which leads to the students' learning effect of synonym discrimination is not ideal. Frame semantics provides a new angle of view for synonym discrimination. It combines the problems in synonym discrimination with the enlightenment from frame semantics, and provides a new way for learners to learn synonyms. At present, there are many problems in synonym discrimination in primary school. The teachers' excessive and detailed analysis of words makes the teaching of synonym discrimination lack of interest. When teachers explain the teaching of synonym discrimination, if they only explain the meaning of words blindly, Not only will learning become boring, not to attract students' interest in learning, but also bad for students' memorization. If the teacher does not change the traditional teaching mode in the teaching, continues to adopt the old synonym discrimination teaching method, neglects the student's experience, neglects the student's unique opinion and the thought, will let the student not have the thought process in the study, Therefore, we should respect students' personal experience and opinions in teaching, guide and encourage their unique ideas and understanding, which is more conducive to students' absorption and exchange of ideas. Synonym teaching lacks systematic teaching content, which is another problem in synonym discrimination teaching. In the current teaching of synonym discrimination, because the scores of the examination questions are less, teachers hardly carry out the teaching of synonym discrimination in text teaching and literacy teaching. In fact, the teaching of synonym discrimination is of great help to the teaching of words. The teaching of synonym discrimination needs to change the traditional teaching idea urgently. Synonym discrimination combined with frame semantics is of great help to the teaching of synonym discrimination. Frame semantics provides a visual angle for synonym discrimination. Frame transfer of word knowledge can improve the efficiency of primary school students' memory of words, master frame knowledge, and improve the analysis ability of words. Comparing frame elements and differentiating semantic scope is of great help for students to understand the semantic scope and the proportion of semantic features of words. Collecting lexical elements can activate the frame of words and analyze the semantic structure of frame. Distinguishing style colors can help students better understand the different situations of synonyms. These teaching strategies will be of great help to the teaching of Chinese synonyms in primary schools.


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