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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-17 13:42

  本文選題:小學教師 + 教師課程創(chuàng)生; 參考:《西南大學》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The in-depth development of the curriculum reform of basic education calls for the teachers to be the initiator of the initiative exploration, practice and reflection. The teachers are the "cultural people" with life autonomy in the field of the school, and the good school culture ecology is the spiritual motive and value support to promote the creation of Teachers' curriculum. Cultural ecology is of great value and significance for teachers to create a cultural atmosphere of "creating life, creating life and creating a life", which is of great value and significance for teachers to construct a rational internal energy system for the creation of a reasonable course, and to realize the "self" from "self" to "self-consciousness". The teacher's individual, the cultural atmosphere of the teacher, the role mechanism of the teacher's ecological environment in the creation of the teacher's curriculum, the reconstruction of the "human dimension" in the course creation, that the teacher's curriculum creation should be based on the harmonious and symbiotic school culture ecology, and rely on the group culture of cooperation and mutual assistance. The research mainly adopts the literature analysis method, This paper systematically reviews the present situation of teacher curriculum creation, cultural ecology and school culture ecology. On this basis, it analyzes its connotation and characteristics, and puts forward the theoretical basis of teacher curriculum creation and school culture ecology. It selects the J primary school in Chongqing as a case school, using case analysis method, interview survey method and physical analysis method to J primary school teaching. The basic cultural and ecological elements of the model are deeply analyzed and the basic cultural and ecological elements of the model are obtained. Finally, the system analysis method is used to construct the school cultural ecological model of the primary school teachers' curriculum creation, and the elements of the model and the operating mechanism are further discussed. The main part of this paper is the following parts: first Part, introduction, mainly clarifies the origin of the study, systematically combs and analyzes the domestic and foreign research status about the creation of teacher curriculum, cultural ecology and school culture ecology, and on this basis puts forward the research design of this paper, including the purpose, significance, thought, method, hypothesis and selection of case schools. Second parts. The connotation and characteristics of teacher curriculum creation and school culture ecology are analyzed. First, the connotation of teacher curriculum creation is expounded, and the characteristics of teachers' curriculum creation are characterized by self-consciousness, critical and cultural characteristics. Secondly, from the connotation of cultural ecology, the connotation of school culture life is clarified, and three types of school cultural ecology are discussed. In the third part, the third part introduces the theoretical basis of teacher curriculum creation and school culture ecology. This part mainly discusses the theory of cultural ecology and organization. The main contents of behavioral theory, symbiotic theory and group dynamics theory as well as the Enlightenment of each theory to the creation of teacher curriculum and school culture ecology. The fourth part is to investigate the school culture ecology of the J primary school teachers in Chongqing. This part discusses the J primary school from the internal and external habitats of the school culture ecology. On the one hand, from the four aspects of school curriculum culture, classroom culture, teacher culture and student culture, on the one hand, the inner habitats of the school culture ecology of the teachers' curricula are observed. On the other hand, the external habitats are examined from four aspects: social culture, parents' culture, community culture and school district culture. This paper summarizes the transformation of the J primary school teachers' creative culture based on the school culture ecology. The main manifestations are: the curriculum concept of teachers from a single closed to multiple open, the role of the curriculum from the faithful to the rethinking constructor, the curriculum implementation from the tool reason to the cultural rationality. The fifth part is to analyze the school text of the primary school teachers. The purpose of this part is to clarify the inner logical relationship between the teacher's curriculum creation and the school culture ecology: the school culture ecology is the motive force to stimulate the teacher's curriculum creation, and the teacher's curriculum creation promotes the cultivation of the good school culture ecology. Cheng Chuangsheng's realistic cultural habitat seeks the cooperative communication atmosphere of the teacher's curriculum creation, holds the positive interactive creation of the teacher's curriculum creation, highlights the cultural consciousness of the teacher's curriculum creation and other values. The sixth part, constructs the school culture model of primary school teachers' curriculum creation. The elements of the model are divided into basic needs. The basic elements are composed of the social culture ecological subsystem, the curriculum culture ecosystem and the classroom culture ecology subsystem. The generative factors include the teacher culture ecological subsystem and the student cultural ecology subsystem, and the endogenous factors include the concept of the self renewal of the cultural and ecological subjects. Sense, multi-dimensional integration of the accomplishment consciousness and cultural practice ability consciousness and so on multiple consciousness, the three elements interact, depend on each other, follow the interactive, stable, symbiotic operating mechanism, play the overall effect of the school cultural ecosystem, and stimulate the cultural consciousness of the teaching teacher's curriculum creation by the strong cultural joint force.


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