

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-15 21:11

  本文選題:小學(xué)低年段 + 朗讀教學(xué)。 參考:《沈陽(yáng)師范大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:With the development and progress of the society and the requirement of the New Chinese Curriculum Standard, more and more teachers pay more and more attention to the reading teaching. Reading aloud is a challenge, especially for younger children. Reading is a difficult task for teachers. According to the author's practice and school investigation, it is found that the primary schools in the lower grades are mainly literate and writing, but the reading teaching is not taken seriously. They all say that education should pay attention to the key period of children's development, but when teachers are teaching, Only a small number of teachers take the reading class seriously. On the basis of New Curriculum Standards, this study combines the methods of literature research, classroom observation, questionnaire investigation and interview to find the existing problems in the teaching of reading aloud. In this study, the author will be divided into three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. The text is composed of the second chapter, the third chapter, the fourth chapter, which is the core part of this paper. The first part is the introduction part, mainly expounds the background and significance of this paper, from the perspective of the new curriculum reform, expounds the theoretical and practical significance of the research value. The second part is the main part of this study and the core part of this study. This paper studies the present situation of the implementation of the reading teaching in the Chinese classroom of the lower age of primary school, and analyzes the existing problems and causes in the light of the present situation. At the same time, it puts forward some targeted countermeasures and suggestions to these problems and reasons. The last part is the conclusion, and summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of this study. The author will continue to pay attention to this problem in the future work and research.


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