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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-14 01:38

  本文選題:清華附小 + 《我愛運動》健身操; 參考:《首都體育學(xué)院》2015年碩士論文

【摘要】:北京市教委將北京市青少年足球普及教育活動啟動儀式放到了清華大學(xué)附屬小學(xué)(下文簡稱清華附。┡e行,北京市青少年足球普及教育活動的主題曲《我愛運動》由著名音樂制作人葉圣濤制作,清華附小學(xué)生與著名歌手阿爾法共同演唱。清華附小馬約翰研究室以此為契機在推動北京市青少年足球普及教育活動的同時根據(jù)已有的健身操創(chuàng)編經(jīng)驗,,根據(jù)小學(xué)生在生理、心理上發(fā)展的特殊階段,創(chuàng)編了一套更加符合、有利于小學(xué)生身心健康發(fā)展的《我愛運動》健身操。以校園足球和《我愛運動》健身操進行嘗試的結(jié)合,引領(lǐng)校園體育全面發(fā)展,讓在校的每一個學(xué)生參與到體育活動中,讓孩子動起來,從開展校園體育為出發(fā)點,全面提高學(xué)生身體素質(zhì)為落腳點,實現(xiàn)清華附小“健康、陽光、樂學(xué)”的學(xué)生培養(yǎng)目標(biāo)。 本文以清華附小《我愛運動》健身操創(chuàng)編與實施為研究對象。運用文獻資料法、問卷調(diào)查法、訪談法、實地考察法、數(shù)理統(tǒng)計法、邏輯思維法等研究方法對清華附小《我愛運動》健身操創(chuàng)編與實施進行了全面、客觀的研究。此研究對清華附小健身操理論創(chuàng)編與實踐的完善以及今后清華附小健身操的進一步改革、創(chuàng)新提供了一定的理論依據(jù)和參考價值。通過研究后得出以下結(jié)論: 1、《我愛運動》健身操的創(chuàng)編以健身操的概念、運動形式、音樂的選配、學(xué)生興趣作為其創(chuàng)編的依據(jù)。 2、《我愛運動》健身操的創(chuàng)編遵循了針對性、全面性、動作設(shè)計順序合理和運動量適宜、動作與音樂的統(tǒng)一性的原則。 3、學(xué)校領(lǐng)導(dǎo)非常重視《我愛運動》健身操的開展,清華附小體育教師參與度較高,學(xué)校提供的場地器材能夠滿足《我愛運動》健身操的教學(xué)需要。 4、《我愛運動》健身操師資配備齊全,教學(xué)經(jīng)驗豐富,成套動作教學(xué)方法多樣、教學(xué)水平較高,多種教學(xué)方法交叉使用,因材施教,提高學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)效率。 5、清華附小馬約翰研究室創(chuàng)編的《我愛運動》健身操,成套動作內(nèi)容科學(xué)合理,難度適宜,運動強度適中,具有鍛煉的全面性,適合小學(xué)生鍛煉。 6、《我愛運動》健身操對學(xué)生身體健康能夠產(chǎn)生積極作用、在預(yù)防疾病及改善身體狀況方面表現(xiàn)出了很好的效益。 7、《我愛運動》健身操對學(xué)生心理上及體育鍛煉習(xí)慣的養(yǎng)成等方面產(chǎn)生了很大的影響。
[Abstract]:The Beijing Municipal Education Commission has put the launching ceremony of the Beijing Youth Football Education campaign at the primary school attached to Tsinghua University (hereinafter referred to as Tsinghua Primary School). The theme song of Beijing Youth Football Education campaign, "I Love Movement", was produced by famous music producer Ye Shengtao, and the students of Tsinghua affiliated Primary School sang together with famous singer Alpha. The Ma John Research Office of Tsinghua Junior High School took this opportunity to promote the popular education activities for young people in Beijing. At the same time, according to the existing experience of creating aerobics and according to the special stage of primary school students' physical and psychological development, Created a more consistent, conducive to the development of pupils' physical and mental health of the "I love sports" aerobics. With the combination of campus football and "I love sports" aerobics, to lead the overall development of campus sports, let every student in the school participate in sports activities, let the children move, from the point of view of developing campus sports as the starting point, In order to achieve the goal of "health, sunshine, music learning" in Tsinghua secondary school, we can improve the students' physical quality in an all-round way. This paper focuses on the creation and implementation of aerobics in Qinghua affiliated Primary School. By using the methods of literature, questionnaire, interview, field investigation, mathematical statistics and logical thinking, this paper makes a comprehensive and objective study on the creation and implementation of aerobics in the affiliated Primary School of Tsinghua University. This study provides a certain theoretical basis and reference value for the theoretical creation and practice of aerobics creation and practice and the further reform and innovation in the future. The conclusions are as follows: 1. The creation of aerobics is based on the concept of aerobics, the form of exercise, the selection of music and the interest of students. (2) the creation of aerobics follows the principles of pertinence, comprehensiveness, reasonable design sequence, appropriate amount of exercise, and unity of movement and music. Third, school leaders attach great importance to the development of "I love sports" aerobics, Tsinghua secondary school physical education teachers participate in a high degree, the school provides the venue equipment to meet the "I love sports" aerobics teaching needs. 4, "I love sports" aerobics teachers are well equipped, teaching experience is rich, complete sets of action teaching methods are various, teaching level is high, various teaching methods are used interactively, teaching according to students' aptitude, improving students' learning efficiency. 5. I love sports, which was created by John Ma of Tsinghua junior high school. The complete set of movements is scientific and reasonable, the difficulty is suitable, the intensity of exercise is moderate, and the exercise is comprehensive and suitable for elementary school students. 6, I love sports, aerobics can have a positive effect on the students' physical health, and has shown a good effect in preventing diseases and improving their physical condition. 7, I love sports, aerobics have a great influence on students' psychology and the formation of physical exercise habits.


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