
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 教育論文 > 小學(xué)教育論文 >


發(fā)布時間:2018-05-13 06:26

  本文選題:偏遠(yuǎn)地區(qū) + 小學(xué)美術(shù); 參考:《聊城大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:In recent years, with the change of the educational environment and the gradual deepening of the theory of curriculum reform under the new situation, art education has become an important way of aesthetic education. It has played an important role in promoting the development of quality education. It has been paid more and more attention by the state. Schools in all parts of the country have conscientiously followed the national education policy and carried out actively. To create art classes and to carry out rich and colorful art activities in developed regions or cities, such as regular painting or calligraphy competitions, handicraft competitions, hand reading or blackboard newspaper production, but in the rural areas of remote areas, the teaching of fine arts education in rural primary schools is still unimproved. It has not been carried out even at all. In particular, with the deepening of the new process reform and the development of the times, this difference is becoming more and more outstanding. Nanzhao County, Henan province is one of the key poverty-stricken counties in the country and is located in the remote mountainous areas of Southwest Henan. In order to make a detailed understanding of the primary school art education in this area, including the investigation of teachers, students, and parents of three party education and teaching participants in this area, this paper makes a summary and analysis of the present situation of the primary school art education in this area. There are many unreasonable factors in the practical operation of the art teaching in the rural primary schools in the remote areas of Nanzhao County: the application of the teaching materials, the limitations of the students' vision, the lack of professional teachers, the lack of attention to the art classes by the school and the family, etc.. In accordance with the requirements of the syllabus, it is necessary to determine its accurate target, combine the present situation and characteristics of the local rural art education, adapt the teaching materials in the light of local conditions, actively extract and collate the local art resources, and organize teaching activities in a flexible and diverse manner.



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4 魯e,




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