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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-13 00:05

  本文選題:小班 + 小班化教學(xué) ; 參考:《沈陽師范大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The organizational form of education and teaching as well as the scale of class play a vital role in teaching quality. How to make the basic education of our country more high-quality and highly efficient has always been a widespread concern of all walks of life. Small class teaching is an effective way to achieve high quality education. But at present, we can not get too much information about the implementation of each link of small class teaching. In this study, Shenyang S Primary School with the characteristics of small class teaching was selected as the research object to understand the specific teaching implementation of the school. First, the author draws up the student questionnaire and teacher interview outline of small class teaching practice in S primary school in Shenyang on the basis of consulting and referring to previous studies. Secondly, through the collection and arrangement of student questionnaire and teacher interview, to understand the students' evaluation of small class teaching, students' pre-class preparation, classroom learning, group cooperative teaching and after-class learning. According to the questionnaire, the teachers' understanding of small class teaching and the application of typical teaching models were investigated in addition to the teachers' preparation, classroom teaching and homework arrangement after class. Then it summarizes the effect of small class teaching in S primary school, finds out the existing problems and analyzes the reasons, and finally puts forward some reference suggestions to the school, teachers and students.


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