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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-07-10 12:59
[Abstract]:In the twenty-first century, we entered a time of speed and efficiency. In the severe situation, the development of Chinese teaching is still difficult. In 2012, after the reform of the new curriculum in Guangxi, many Chinese teachers or "to walk a new way in old shoes", still adopting the "full-scale irrigation" method in the class, the teaching effect is not satisfactory. This unsatisfactory performance is particularly evident in the teaching of ancient poetry in high school. The ancient poetry is an important part of our cultural tradition, and it is the crystal of our country's wisdom and emotion. It is the spiritual home of our people. After two and three thousand years of historical evolution, the ancient poetry has formed the characteristics of exquisite language, concise writing, difficult and hard-to-understand and so on. The study of the poetry is of great significance to the high school students, can improve the literary appreciation ability, improve the writing level of the modern text, also enable the students to enrich the spiritual life, improve the self-personality, improve the life state, and gradually deepen the individual and the country, the individual and the society, The thinking and understanding of the relationship between the individual and nature. Throughout the high school, the teaching status of ancient poetry is still not optimistic, which is manifested in the time, content, the "multi-teaching and less learning" on the method, and the learning effect is not good. In order to change the current situation of teaching, only in the course of ancient poetry teaching, the "to learn more and learn more" 's strategy should be applied. The "to learn more and learn more" is an old and fresh idea. It is old, because there are similar views in both the foreign and the country. The first to put forward the "multi-study" is the praise of the United States, but Confucius's idea of "one-to-three", "the new idea of" the new idea "and the" multi-study "have the consistency. It's fresh, because, in recent years, as the evaluation of Singapore's education reform is in-depth, the concept of "to learn more and learn more" has gradually attracted our attention. The relevant academic research at home and abroad is generally considered to be of great significance to the reform of the new curriculum, and it is also considered that its implementation prospects are optimistic. However, how to combine the "to learn more and learn more" concept with the specific education situation in China still needs us to make a two-way and continuous discussion on the theory and practice, and to further improve the theory in practice. In the background of the study of the "to learn more and learn more" idea and the practice of the high school ancient poetry teaching, the author follows the "What is it? Why?" 's research thinking to summarize and summarize the strategy of the teaching "to learn more and learn more" of the ancient poetry in high school. The introduction of the paper mainly explains the origin of the research, summarizes the present situation of the research on the "to learn more and learn more" concept at home and abroad, and analyzes the key difficulties, the main innovations, the research methods and so on in this paper, and defines the related concepts. The first part of the paper mainly explains the characteristics of the high school Chinese ancient poetry, and points out the great significance of the high school students to study the ancient poetry, and analyzes the status and requirements of the ancient poetry in the Chinese textbooks, the college entrance examination and the new curriculum standard in high school. The second part of the paper mainly analyzes the current teaching situation of the "multi-teaching and less learning" in the time, the content and the method of the present teaching of the ancient poetry in high school, and analyzes the effect of the study of the ancient poetry. The third part of the paper summarizes the five "minority teaching" of "The transformation of the "multi-education" concept, the "multi-learning" professional knowledge and the teaching theory", "The design of the teaching of the ancient poetry and the design of the characteristics of the times", "Explain the vivid image, create a democratic and lively classroom atmosphere", "The form of various ancient poetry teaching organizations" and "Multi-angle evaluation mode" from the teacher's perspective. The fourth part of the thesis is to sum up the "Learn more by stimulating students' interest in learning", "Pay attention to the cultivation of the students' learning and understanding, and form a good habit", "The exchange of characters, let the students go to the platform, let the students be the subject", "This is the text-based, and let the students act in a good way.", "The study of the subject, let the students grasp the law" and "To hold a reading-and-sharing session, so that the students can read and learn more after-class" of six kinds of "polylogy". The fifth part of the thesis mainly analyses the strategy of applying the "to learn more and learn more" in the teaching case. Through the research of this thesis, we find that the strategy under the guidance of the concept of "little teaching and learning" is feasible in the teaching of ancient poetry in high school, and has certain advantages. The application of the "to learn more and learn more" 's strategy in the teaching of the ancient poetry helps to reduce the burden of the students' class, help to improve the students' learning efficiency, promote the harmonious development of the teachers and students, and finally achieve the maximization of the classroom teaching efficiency. The "to learn more and learn more" idea also faces many difficulties in the teaching practice. But we should have the courage to use the idea of the "to learn more and learn more" to cause the change of the Chinese education, so as to drive the change of education and realize the ideal state of the "to learn more and learn more".


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